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dc.contributor.authorArdiyan, Lidya-
dc.descriptionPenelitian kuantitatif ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan sikap terhadap pornografi dan perilaku seks pranikah ditinjau dari gender. Partisipan dalam penelitian merupakan total Sampling dari 257 orang siswa kelas VIII SMP X, Deli Serdang Sumatera Utara. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini berupa skala sikap terhadap pornografi dan skala perilaku seks pranikah, diujicobakan pada 257 orang (try out terpakai). Skala sikap terhadap pornografi memiliki validitas berkisar antara 0,254-0,648, koefisien reliabilitas alpha cronbach 0.940. Skala perilaku seks pranikah memiliki koefisien validitas berkisar antara 0,402-0,693, dan koefisien reliabilitas alpha cronbach 0.924. Analisa data dengan ANCOVA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada hubungan sikap terhadap pornografi dan perilaku seks pranikah ditinjau dari gender (F corrected model = 120,643, sig. 0,000). Ada hubungan sikap terhadap pornografi dan perilaku seks pranikah (F = 219,795, sig. 0,000). Tidak ada perbedaan perilaku seks pranikah ditinjau dari gender (F = 0,287, sig. 0,592). 120 orang (46,7%) memiliki sikap positif terhadap pornografi, 114 orang (44,36%) memiliki perilaku seks pranikah positif. 88 orang (34,24%) diantaranya juga memiliki perilaku seks pranikah positif (58 orang laki-laki dan 30 orang perempuan).en_US
dc.description.abstractThis quantitative research aims to examine the relationship between attitudes towards pornography with premarital sexual behavior in terms of gender. Participant of this research is total sampling of 257 VIII grades students of SMP X, Deli Serdang Sumatera Utara. Instruments in this study are attitudes toward pornography scale and premarital sexual behavior scale, tested on 257 peoples (used try out). Attitude towards pornography scale have the validity coefficient range from 0.254 to 0.648, Alpha Cronbach reliability coefficient is 0.940. Premarital sexual behavior scale have the validity coefficient range from 0.402 to 0.693, and Alpha Cronbach reliability coefficient is 0,924. Hypothetic data analysis by using ANCOVA. Results show that there is a relation of attitudes toward pornography with sexual behavior Premarital in terms of gender (F corrected model = 120.643, sig. 0.000). Relationship between attitudes towards pornography with premarital sexual behavior (F = 219.795, sig. 0.000). There was no differences on premarital sexual behavior in terms of gender (F = 0.287, sig. 0.592). 120 sampels (46,7%) have positive attitude toward ponography, 114 samples (44,36%) have positive premarital sexual behavior. 88 sampel (34,24%) have both positive attitude toward pornography and premarital sexual behavior (58 male and 30 female).en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjectPerilaku Seks Pranikahen_US
dc.subjectSikap Terhadap Pornografi genderen_US
dc.titleHubungan Sikap Terhadap Pornografi Dengan Perilaku Seks Pranikah Ditinjau Dari Genderen_US
Appears in Collections:MT - Master of Psychology

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