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Title: Uji Kualitas Air Minum Isi Ulang dengan Parameter Mikrobiologi di Kelurahan Berngam Kota Binjai
Authors: Siregar, Eka Setiawan
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Karim, Abdul
Keywords: kualitas;air minum isi ulang;quality;refilled drinking water
Issue Date: 3-Oct-2018
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;158700045
Abstract: Refilled drinking water is one of the alternatives for the need of drinking water. Drinking water is safe for health when it meets physical, microbiological, chemical, radioactive requirements. The purpose of this study was to determine the quality of refilled drinking water with microbiological parameters (coliform and E.coli) in the Berngam Village of Binjai city in 2018. The method of this research was descriptive research with laboratory tests. The research sample is the entire population of refill drinking water depots located in the Berngam Village of Binjai City in 2018. The results of the study showed that seven samples of refilled drinking water in the Berngam Urban Village had fulfilled the physical and chemical quality in according to them Permenkes R.I. No.492/Menkes/Per/IV/2010. While the quality of microbiology has not been fulfilled because it contains coliform and E. coli bacteria. It is recommended that the Puskesmas management provide counseling and monitoring for the owners of refilled drinking water depots in order to realize qualified drinking water for people.
Description: Salah satu pemenuhan kebutuhan air minum yang menjadi alternatif adalah air minum isi ulang. Air minum aman bagi kesehatan apabila memenuhi persyaratan fisika, mikrobiologi, kimiawi, dan radioaktif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kualitas air minum isi ulang dengan parameter mikrobiologi (coliform dan E.coli) di Kelurahan Berngam Kota Binjai Tahun 2018. Metode penelitian ini yaitu penelitian deskriptif dengan uji laboratorium. Sampel penelitian adalah seluruh populasi depot air minum isi ulang yang berada di Kelurahan Berngam Kota Binjai Tahun 2018. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa tujuh sampel air minum isi ulang di Kelurahan Berngam telah memenuhi kualitas fisik dan kimia sesuai dengan Permenkes R.I. No.492/Menkes/Per/IV/2010. Sedangkan kualitas secara mikrobiologi belum terpenuhi karena mengandung bakteri coliform dan E.coli. Perlu dilakukan penyuluhan dan pengawasan bagi pemilik depot air minum isi ulang oleh Puskesmas demi terwujudnya air minum yang layak bagi masyarakat.
Appears in Collections:SP - Biology

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