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dc.contributor.advisorAisyah, Siti-
dc.contributor.authorBela, Nindya Vita-
dc.descriptionPenelitianinibertujuanuntukmengetahui hubunganantarakecerdasanadversitasdenganstreskerja, dimana yang menjadisubjekpenelitianadalah para karyawan yang bekerja di Bank Rakyat Indonesia CabangIskandarMuda Medan. Sebagaisampeldalampenelitianiniberjumalh 72 orang. Hipotesis yang diajukandalampenelitianini, adalah: ada hubungan negatifantarakecerdasan adversitasdenganstres kerjapada karyawan. Dengan asumsi, semakin tinggi kecerdasan adversitas semakin rendah stres kerja demikian sebaliknya, semakin rendah kecerdasan adversitas semakin tinggi stres kerjanya.DalamupayamembuktikanhipotesistersebutdigunakanteknikkorelasiProduct Moment dari Karl Pearson. Berdasarkanhasilanalisisdiperolehhasilsebagaiberikut: a). Terdapat hubungan negatif yang sangat signifikan antara kecerdasan adversitas dengan stres kerja. Artinya semakin tinggikecerdasan adversitas, maka semakin rendah stres kerja, sebaliknya semakin rendahkecerdasan adversitas, maka semakin tinggi streskerja. Hasil ini dibuktikan dengan koefisien korelasi rxy = - 0,579 ; sig < 0,010. Dengan demikian maka hipotesis yang diajukan, dinyatakan diterima. b). Kecerdasan adversitas memberikan pengaruh terhadap stres kerja 33,5%. Ini berarti masih terdapat 66,5% pengaruh dari faktor lain terhadap stres kerja, diantaranya adalah faktor organisasi, faktor lingkungan dan faktor individual berupa kemampuan dan penilaian kognitif berupa pesimis dan optimis sebagai perbandingan seseorang yang memiliki adversity quotient yang tinggi atau rendah.Hasil lain yang diperoleh adalah bahwa secara umum para karyawan BRI CabangIskandarMudakecerdasan advrsitas karyawan tergolong cenderung rendah, hal ini dilihat dari mean empirik 101,416 < dari mean hipotetik 102,5. Kemudian stres kerja tergolong tinggi, dilihat dari mean empirik 152,569 > dari mean hipotetik 140,5.en_US
dc.description.abstractThis research aims to know the relationship between intelligence of adversities with work stress, which is the subject of research are employees who work in the Bank Rakyat Indonesia branch Iskandar Muda Medan. As a sample in this study there were 72 people. The hypothesis proposed in this study, is: there is a negative connection between intelligence adversities with work stress on employees. Assuming, the higher the intellect intelligence the lower the stress of work so on the contrary, the lower the intellect intelligence the higher the stress it works. In an attempt to prove the hypothesis used Product Moment correlation technique from Karl Pearson. Based on the results of the analysis obtained the following results: a). There is a very significant negative relationship between intelligence of adversities with work stress. That means the higher the intelligence of adversities, the lower the stress of work, the less the lower the intelligence of adversities, the higher the work stress. This resultis evidenced by the correlation coefficient rxy =-0.579; Sig < 0.010. Thus the hypothesis proposed, declared acceptable. b). Intelligence affects the adversities of 33.5% work stress. This means that there are still 66.5% influence of other factors on occupational stress, among them are organizational factors, environmental factors and individual factors in the form of ability and cognitive assessment of pessimistic and optimistic as a comparison of one's which has high or low adversity quotient. Other results obtained is that in general the employees of BRI Iskandar Muda branch of the intelligence of the employee is likely to be low, it is seen from the mean empirical 101.416 < of the hypothetic mean 102.5. Then the work stress is classified as high, judging by the mean empirical 152.569 > of hypothetic 140.5 mean.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjectstreskerjadan bricabang iskandar mudaen_US
dc.subjectintelligence advercityen_US
dc.subjectwork stress and bri iskandar muda branchen_US
dc.titleHubungan Antara Kecerdasan Adversitas Dengan Stres Kerja Pada Karyawan Pt.Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Cabang Iskandar Muda Medanen_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Psychology

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