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Title: Karakteristik Kuat Tekan Aspal Penetrasi 60/70 dengan Agregat Bin-Dingin (Penelitian)
Authors: Silitonga, Janforming
Keywords: Asphalt;Aggregate Bin-Cold
Issue Date: 15-Jan-2015
Abstract: Based on the title of "the characteristic compressive strength of asphalt pen 60/70 with aggregate bin-cold" study was conducted to examine in detail, study it, and the exact nature/results rather than test tool that generates marshal values than the specification: (density, stability, flow, VIM, and VFB), and then recently obtained OBC-(optimum-bitumen-content). This study was to investigate/examine more deeply about the characteristics of bitumen pen 60/70 by using the aggregate bin-cold that has been proposed. by the LAB PT.Mighty Pure works, Medan. The test results obtained on the performance characteristics marshal optimum bitumen content 5.43% by the results: the stability of the value of 1081 kg, the value of Bulk Density (density) 2.326 g / cc, Flow value (melting) 3.95 mm, the value of VIM (Void In Mix) 4.35%, the value of VMA (Voids in mineral Aggregate) 15.72%, the value of VFB (Void Filled Bitumen) 71.80% and the value of the marshal Quotient (MQ) 275 kn / mm
Description: Berdasarkan atas judul “karakteristik kuat tekan aspal penetrasi 60/70 dengan agregat bin-dingin” penelitian ini dilakukan untuk meneliti secara rinci, mempelajarinya, dan sifat yang sebenarnya/ataupun hasil daripada pengujian alat uji tes marshal yang menghasilkan nilai-nilai spesifikasi daripada: (density, stability, flow, VIM, dan VFB), dan kemudian baru didapatkan KAO (kadar aspal optimum). Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji lebih dalam tentang karakteristik aspal penetrasi 60/70 dengan menggunakan agregat bin-dingin yang telah diusulkan oleh pihak LAB PT. Karya Murni Perkasa, Medan. Hasil uji kinerja karakteristik marshal didapat pada kadar aspal optimum 5,43% dengan hasil: nilai stabilitas 1081 kg, nilai Bulk Density (kepadatan) 2,326 gr/cc, nilai Flow (kelelehan) 3,95 mm, nilai VIM (Void In Mix) 4,35%, nilai VMA (Void In mineral Agregat) 15,72%, nilai VFB (Void Filled Bitumen) 71,80% dan nilai marshal Quotient (MQ) 275 kn/mm
Appears in Collections:SP - Civil Engineering

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