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Title: Hubungan Leader Member Exchange (LMX) dan Kepuasan Kerja dengan Komitmen Organisasi pada Tenaga Pendidik (GADIK) Sekolah Polisi Negara Kepolisian Daerah Sumatera Utara
Other Titles: Relationship between Leader Member Exchange (LMX) and Job Satisfaction with Organizational Commitment to Educators (GADIK) State Police School of North Sumatra Regional Police
Authors: Sukoco, Wahyu
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Lubis, M. Rajab
Keywords: komitmen organisasi;leader member exchange;kepuasan kerja;organizational commitment;job satisfaction
Issue Date: 25-Apr-2019
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;171804006
Abstract: This research aims to look at the relationship of Leader Member Exchange and job satisfaction With organizational commitment on the Educators Schools State Police North Sumatera regional police. The hypothesis proposed is no relationship Leader Member Exchange and Organizational Commitment job satisfaction In Educators School State Police North Sumatera regional police. Research done to 75 people educators. Data collection is a method of scale, i.e. the scale of Leader Member Exchange, the scale of the job satisfaction and organizational commitment scale. Before the scale used is done against 40 scale test people educators of CIVIL SERVANTS/civil. The data were analyzed using Multiple Regression. The results showed; There is a very significant relationship between leader member exchange and job satisfaction with the commitment of the organization. This result was shown by F reg coefficient = 205.538; SIG < 0.010. Based on the results of this study, it can be stated that the hypothesis presented in this research were declared admissible. Both variables in this study, namely the leader member exchange and job satisfaction towards organizational commitment is 84.8%. This means that these two variables (leader member exchange and job satisfaction) contribute to a high of 84.8% against low organizational commitment. Separately, leader member exchange contribute of 66.9% against high low organizational commitment, while contributing to job satisfaction of 83.3% against high low organizational commitment. Based on these results, note that the total contribution of both the free variable is bound to a variable against amounting to 84.8%. Means there is still a 15.2% the influence of other variables against the commitment of organizations, where these other factors in this study are not seen, which are personal or individual factors include the quality of working life, the form of organizational climate organizational organizational factors, and non.
Description: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan Leader Member Exchange Dan Kepuasan Kerja Dengan Komitmen Organisasi Pada Tenaga Pendidik Sekolah Polisi Negara Kepolisian Daerah Sumatera Utara. Hipotesis yang diajukan adalah ada hubungan Leader Member Exchange Dan Kepuasan Kerja Dengan Komitmen Organisasi Pada Tenaga Pendidik Sekolah Polisi Negara Kepolisian Daerah Sumatera Utara. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 75 orang tenaga pendidik. Pengumpulan data adalah metode skala, yaitu skala Leader Member Exchange, skala kepuasan kerja dan skala komitmen organisasi. Sebelum skala digunakan dilakukan ujicoba skala terhadap 40 orang tenaga pendidik PNS/sipil. Data dianalisis menggunakan Regresi Berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ; Ada hubungan yang sangat signifikan antara leader member exchange dan kepuasan kerja dengan komitmen organisasi. Hasil ini ditunjukkan dengan koefisien Freg = 205,538 ; sig < 0,010. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, maka dapat dinyatakan bahwa hipotesis yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini dinyatakan diterima. Kedua variabel dalam penelitian ini, yakni leader member exchange dan kepuasan kerja terhadap komitmen organisasi adalah sebesar 84,8%. Artinya kedua variabel (leader member exchange dan kepuasan kerja) memberikan kontribusi sebesar 84,8% terhadap tinggi rendahnya komitmen organisasi. Secara terpisah, leader member exchange memberikan kontribusi sebesar 66,9% terhadap tinggi rendahnya komitmen organisasi, sementara kepuasan kerja memberikan kontribusi sebesar 83,3% terhadap tinggi rendahnya komitmen organisasi. Berdasarkan hasil ini, diketahui bahwa total sumbangan kedua variabel bebas terhadap variabel terikat adalah sebesar 84,8%. Berarti masih terdapat 15,2% pengaruh dari variabel lain terhadap komitmen organisasi, dimana faktorfaktor lain tersebut dalam penelitian ini tidak dilihat, diantaranya adalah faktor personal atau individual diantaranya kualitas kehidupan kerja, faktor organisasional berupa iklim organisasi, dan faktor non organisasional.
Appears in Collections:SP - Psychology

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