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dc.contributor.advisorBarus, Utary Maharany-
dc.contributor.advisorSiregar, Taufik-
dc.contributor.authorManurung, Richard Subakat-
dc.descriptionPenelitian tesis ini tentang pelaksanaan pemberian fasilitas penghapusan sanksi administratif pajak dengan mengadakan penelitian pada Kantor Direktorat Pajak Sumatera Utara I berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 91/PMK.03/2015 tentang Pengurangan atau Penghapusan Sanksi Administrasi Atas Keterlambatan Penyampaian Surat Pemberitahuan, Pembetulan Surat Pemberitahuan dan Keterlambatan Pembayaran atau Penyetoran Pajak. Permasalahan yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana latar belakang pemberian fasilitas penghapusan sanksi administrasi dalam perspektif hukum pajak di Indonesia, bagaimana pelaksanaan pemberian fasilitas penghapusan sanksi administrasi pada Kanwil DJP Sumut I dan bagaimana kendala dan upaya penghapusan sanksi administrasi pada Kanwil DJP Sumut I. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode penelitian hukum yuridis normatif yaitu suatu penelitian yang mengacu kepada norma-norma hukum yang terdapat dalam peraturan perundang-undangan dan putusan pengadilan. Hasil penelitian menjelaskan latar belakang pemberian fasilitas penghapusan sanksi administrasi dalam perspektif hukum pajak di Indonesia meliputi adanya kegagalan pembuatan undang-undang pengampunan pajak, pijakan awal bagi wajib pajak dan pemerintah dalam rangka menyongsong reformasi administrasi perpajakan, upaya peningkatan penerimaan negara, pembenahan data dan pembinaan wajib pajak, adanya pelanggaran dalam perpajakan, prosedur penindakan wajib pajak tidak patuh, serta diketahuinya data wajib pajak pemohon penghapusan sanksi. Pelaksanaan pemberian fasilitas penghapusan sanksi administrasi pada Kanwil DJP Sumut I telah sesuai dengan amanat undang undang. Kewenangan Menteri Keuangan dalam mengeluarkan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan dan Kewenangan Direktur Jenderal Pajak menghapuskan sanksi administrasi adalah pelimpahan kewenangan atributif atas perintah undang undang atas dasar pengenaan sanksi administrasi berupa bunga dilanjutkan dengan kewenangan penghapusan sanksi oleh Direktur Jenderal Pajak sehingga melahirkan produk hukum. Kendala dan upaya penghapusan sanksi administrasi adalah hambatan ekonomi, hambatan sosialisasi dan hambatan adanya bencana alam atau adanya kegagalan panen/usaha. Upaya yang dapat dilakukan adalah adanya sosialisasi dang penyampaian informasi yang jelas kepada para wajib pajak, memeriksa kondisi wajib pajak secara langsung di lapangan dan juga memberikan pemahaman dan informasi yang jelas mengenai sanksi administratif dan kewajiban menjadi wajib pajak.en_US
dc.description.abstractThis thesis research on the implementation of the provision of facilities for tax administrative sanction elimination by conducting research at the Office of Tax Directorate of North Sumatera I based on Regulation of the Minister of Finance No. 91 / PMK.03 / 2015 on Reduction or Elimination of Administrative Sanctions for Delay in Submission of Notification Letter, Rectification of Notification and Late Payment or Tax Deposit. The problems raised in this research is how thebackground of giving facilities of administrative sanction elimination in the perspective of tax law in Indonesia, how the implementation of the granting of facilities for the elimination of administrative sanctions in the Regional Office of DJP Sumut I and how the constraints and efforts to eliminate administrative sanctions at the Regional Office of DJP Sumut I. This research is conducted by law juridical normative research method that is a research that refers to the legal norms contained in legislation and court decision. The result of the study explains the background of the provision of administrative sanction removal facilities in the perspective of tax law in Indonesiaincluding the failure of tax forgiveness law, the initial step for taxpayers and the government in order to welcome the tax administration reform, the effort to increase state revenue, data improvement and compulsory development Taxes, the existence of violations in taxation, the procedure of taxpayer repudiation is not compliant, and the data of the taxpayer of the applicant for the elimination of sanctions. The implementation of administrative sanction removal facilities at the Regional Office of DGT Sumut I has been in accordance with the mandate of the law. The authority of the Minister of Finance in issuing the Regulation of the Minister of Finance and the Authority of the Director General of Taxation to abolish the administrative sanction shall be the delegation of the attributive authority on the order of the law on the imposition of administrative sanction in the form of interest followed by the authority of the elimination of sanctions by the Director General of Taxes resulting in the birth of legal products. Constraints and efforts to eliminate administrative sanctions are economic constraints, socialization barriers and obstacles to natural disasters or the failure of crops / businesses. Efforts that can be done is the socialization dang delivery of clear information to the taxpayers, check the condition of taxpayers directly in the field and also provides a clear understanding and information about administrative sanctions and obligations to taxpayers.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjectsanksi administratifen_US
dc.titleAnalisis Hukum Atas Pelaksanaan Pemberian Fasilitas Penghapusan Sanksi Administratif Menurut Hukum Pajak Indonesia Pada Kantor Wilayah Direktorat Jenderal pajak Sumatera Utara 1en_US
dc.typeTesis Magisteren_US
Appears in Collections:MT - Master of Law

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