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dc.contributor.advisorEddy, Triono-
dc.contributor.authorPanjaitan, Parluhutan-
dc.descriptionSeiring dengan perkembangan kehidupan masyarakat modern dalam menghadapi globalisasi serta adanya proses industrialisasi dan modernisasi akan menumbuhkan perubahan proses sosial dalam tata kehidupan masyarakat. Hutan merupakan sumber daya yang sangat penting tidak hanya sebagai sumber daya kayu, tetapi lebih sebagai salah satu komponen lingkungan hidup. Perumusan masalah, yaitu: 1) Bagaimana pengaturan hukum illegal logging di kawasan hutan?, 2) Bagaimana penerapan sanksi tindak pidana terkait kejahatan illegal logging?, 3) Bagaimana menganalisis Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Nomor 391/Pid.Sus/2015/PN.Stb?. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum normatif yaitu penelitian yang mengacu kepada norma-norma dan asas-asas hukum yang terdapat dalam peraturan perundang-undangan dan peraturan kepolisian Republik Indonesia. Alasannya didasarkan pada paradigma hubungan dinamis antara teori, konsep-konsep dan data yang merupakan umpan balik atau modifikasi yang tetap dari teori dan konsep yang didasarkan pada data yang dikumpulkan. Hasil penelitian adalah Pengaturan hukum tentang kawasan hutan nasional sebenarnya sudah sangat banyak diatur. Pengaturan hukum illegal logging di kawasan hutan diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 19 Tahun 2004 tentang kehutanan memberikan pengaturan tentang perlindungan sumber daya alam hutan dengan ketentuan pidana akan diberikan sanksi. Penerapan sanksi tindak pidana kejahatan illegal logging dalam Undang-Undang kehutanan sudah sangat jelas diatur dalam Pasal 78 ayat (1) penerapan sanksi berupa pidana penjara (Pasal 12 Ayat (1) KUHP). Analisis putusan pengadilan negeri nomor 391/Pid.Sus/2015/PN.Stb yang dalam putusan adanya dakwaan penuntut umum, saksi-saksi, pertimbangan hakim, alat bukti, serta putusan sudah sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku di Indonesia. Pasal 83 ayat (1) huruf b Jo. Pasal 12 huruf e, serta Pasal 78 ayat (1). UU RI No. 18 Tahun 2013 tentang Pencegahan dan Pemberantasan Perusakan Hutan Jo Pasal 55 ayat (1) ke-1 KUHP telah terpenuhi. Pemerintah Republik Indonesia didalam membuat Undang-Undang tentang pengaturan illegal logging dalam setiap Pasal-pasal harus dipertegas dan dipertajam lagi agar penggunaan didalam Undang- Undang ataupun peraturan menjadi pedoman bagi penegak hukum kedepannya. Pemerintah Republik Indonesia perlu menegaskan secara rinci didalam Undang- Undang disetiap Pasal-pasal tentang penerapan sanksi tindak pidana kejahatan illegal logging. Pemerintah Republik Indonesia khususnya Pengadilan Negeri didalam mengambil suatu putusan khussnya kejahatan illegal logging perlunya prinsip kehatihatian dalam mengambil suatu putusan.en_US
dc.description.abstractAlong with the development of modern society in the face of globalization and the process of industrialization and modernization will foster changes in social processes in the life of the community. Forests are a very important resource not only as a timber resource, but rather as one component of the environment. The formulation of the problem, namely: 1) How is the legal arrangement of illegal logging in forest area ?, 2) How to apply criminal sanction related to illegal logging crime ?, 3) How to analyze Decision of District Court Number 391 / Pid.Sus / 2015 / PN.Stb? The method used in this study is normative legal research that is research that refers to the norms and legal principles contained in the laws and regulations of the Republic of Indonesia police. The reason is based on the dynamic relationship paradigm between theory, concepts and data which is a constant feedback or modification of theories and concepts based on data collected. The result of the research is the legal arrangement of national forest area has been very much regulated. The legal arrangement of illegal logging in forest area is regulated in Law Number 19 Year 2004 concerning forestry giving arrangement about protection of forest natural resources with criminal provisions will be given sanction. Implementation of sanction of illegal logging crime in Forestry Law is very clearly regulated in Article 78 paragraph (1) the application of sanction in the form of imprisonment (Article 12 Paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code). The analysis of the decision of the court of the court number 391/Pid.Sus /2015/PN.Stb which in the decision of the indictment of public prosecutors, witnesses, judges considerations, evidence, and decisions are in accordance with applicable laws and regulations in Indonesia. Article 83 paragraph (1) letter b Jo. Article 12 letter e, and Article 78 paragraph (1). RI Law no. 18 Year 2013 on the Prevention and Eradication of Forest Destruction Jo Article 55 paragraph (1) to- 1 Criminal Code has been fulfilled. The Government of the Republic of Indonesia in making the law on the regulation of illegal logging in each of the Articles should be reinforced and sharpened again in order to use in the law or regulation as a guide for law enforcement going forward. The Government of the Republic of Indonesia needs to emphasize in detail in the Laws in each of the Articles on the application of sanctions for criminal acts of illegal logging. The Government of the Republic of Indonesia, especially the District Court in taking a decision specifically the illegal logging crime, the need for prudential principles in taking a decision.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjectpenerapan sanksien_US
dc.subjecttindak pidana illegal loggingen_US
dc.titlePenerapan Sanksi Pidana Terkait Kejahatan Illegal Logging (Studi Putusan Nomor 39/Pid.Sus/2015/PN.Stb)en_US
dc.title.alternativeApplication of Criminal Sanctions Related to Illegal Logging Crimes (Study of Decision Number 39 / Pid.Sus / 2015 / PN.Stb)en_US
dc.typeTesis Magisteren_US
Appears in Collections:MT - Master of Law

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