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Title: Tinjauan Yuridis Terhadap perjanjian Angkutan Beras Antara Perusahaan Umum (Perum) Bulog dengan Perseroan Terbatas (PT) Jasa Prima Logistik
Authors: Ginting, William Saymara
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Siregar, Taufik
Lubis, Anggreni Atmei
Keywords: perjanjian;angkutan;bulog;transportation;agreement
Issue Date: 4-Aug-2020
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;158400120
Abstract: The event of organizing the transportation of goods occurs because of an agreement. The occurrence of the transportation agreement is preceded by a series of offer and acceptance actions carried out by the transporter and sender reciprocally. A series of acts are carried out with mutual agreement between the carrier and the sender. The problem in this study is how the rights and obligations of the parties in the implementation of the rice transportation agreement between the Bulog Public Company and the Limited Liability Company (PT) Jasa Prima Logistik. What is the legal responsibility of the carrier in carrying out the rice transportation agreement between the Bulog Public Company and Jasa Prima Logistik Limited Company (PT). And how to resolve disputes in the transportation agreement in the event of a dispute. This type of research used in writing this thesis is normative juridical legal research which is also referred to as library research or document study, because this research is conducted or shown only on written regulations or other legal materials. The results of the research that have been obtained, the rights and obligations of the parties in the goods shipping agreement are the Bulog Public Company has the right to transport services with the obligation to pay the transportation costs, the Limited Liability Company (PT) Jasa Prima Logistik as the transport operator obtains the right to receive payments for transportation services with the obligation to carry out freight service. The legal responsibility of the transportation party in carrying out the rice transportation agreement between the Bulog Public Company and the Limited Liability Company (PT) Jasa Prima Logistik is that the carrier is fully responsible for the shortage, shrinkage and damage to goods that occur during transportation. Settlement of disputes in the event of a dispute in the agreement to transport goods at Perum Bulog in practice puts forward deliberation by means of negotiation and mediation, but if there is no agreement, both parties agree to proceed to court.
Description: Peristiwa penyelenggaraan pengangkutan barang terjadi karena adanya perjanjian, Terjadinya perjanjian pengangkutan didahului oleh serangkaian perbuatan penawaran (offer) dan penerimaan (acceptance) yang dilakukan oleh pengangkut dan pengirim secara timbal balik Serangkaian perbuatan tersebut dilakukan atas persetujuan bersama antara pengangkut dan pengirim. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah Bagaimana hak dan kewajiban para pihak dalam pelaksanaan perjanjian pengangkutan beras antara Perusahaan Umum Bulog dengan Perseroan Terbatas (PT) Jasa Prima Logistik. Bagaimana tanggung jawab hukum pihak pengangkut dalam pelaksanaan pejanjian pengangkutan beras antara Perusahaan Umum Bulog dengan Perseroan Terbatas (PT) Jasa Prima Logistik. Dan Bagaimana penyelesaian sengketa pada perjanjian pengangkutan apabila terjadi perselisihan. Jenis penilitian yang digunakan dalam penulisan skripsi ini adalah penelitian hukum yuridis normative yang disebut juga sebagai penelitian perpustakaan atau studi dokumen, karena penelitian ini dilakukan atau ditunjukkan hanya pada peraturan-peraturan yang tertulis atau bahan-bahan hukum lain. Hasil penelitian yang telah diperoleh, Hak dan kewajiban para pihak dalam perjanjian pengakutan barang adalah Perusahaan Umum Bulog mendapat hak layanan pengangkutan dengan kewajiban membayar biaya pengangkutan, pihak Perusahaan Terbatas (PT) Jasa Prima Logistik sebagai penyelenggara angkutan memperoleh hak menerima pembayaran jasa pengangkutan dengan berkewajiban menyelenggarakan pelayanan angkutan. Tanggung jawab hukum pihak pengangkutan dalam pelaksanaan perjanjian pengangkutan beras antara Perusahaan Umum Bulog dengan Perseroan Terbatas (PT) Jasa Prima Logistik adalah pihak pengangkut bertanggung jawab penuh atas kekurangan, kesusutan dan kerusakan barang yang terjadi selama pengangkutan berlangsung. Penyelesaian sengketa apabila terjadi perselisihan dalam perjanjian pengangkutan barang pada Perum Bulog dalam prakteknya mengedepankan musyawarah dengan cara bernegosiasi dan mediasi namun jikalau tidak menemui kesepakatan maka kedua belah pihak sepakat untuk dilanjutkan ke pengadilan
Appears in Collections:SP - Civil Law

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