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Title: Canda Ala Rasulullah Saw
Other Titles: Kidding of Rasullah Saw
Keywords: canda;rasul;kebaikan
Issue Date: 10-Oct-2019
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Abstract: It turns out that the Prophet has humorous values that can refresh the atmosphere. Sometimes our hearts are a bit frozen, our souls are a bit hard, so we need the art of communication, we need jokes, jokes, and of course there must be boundaries. As exemplified by Rasulullah, how Rasulullah joked in ways of appreciating, delighting, making others happy. Not by hurting, let alone overthrowing and slandering other people. That's why there are several things we need to take as lessons. First, in joking, you shouldn't be exaggerated. Second, we must not physically humiliate other people.
Description: Ternyata Rasulullah memiliki nilai-nilai humoris yang dapat menyegarkan suasana. Terkadang hati kita agak beku, jiwa kita agak keras, maka diperlukan seni berkomunikasi, diperlukan candaan, guyonan, dan tentu harus ada batas-batasnya. Seperti yang dicontohkan Rasulullah, bagaimana Rasulullah bercanda dengan cara-cara mengapresiasi, menggembirakan, membahagiakan orang lain. Bukan dengan menyakiti, apalagi menjatuhkan dan memfitnah orang lain.Karena itu ada beberapa hal yang perlu kita ambil sebagai pelajaran. Pertama, dalam bercanda tidak boleh berlebih-lebihan. Kedua, kita tidak boleh menghina fisik orang lain.
Appears in Collections:Buletin Taqwa

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