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Title: Aksi Pencegahan Lebih Utama dalam Mengatasi Penyakit Sosial
Other Titles: Preventive Actions Are More Major in Overcoming Social Illness
Authors: Nasution, Hasyimsyah
Keywords: pencegahan;penyakit;sosial;norma
Issue Date: 9-Sep-2019
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Abstract: If we pay attention to this title, there is the word prevention and there is the word social disease. In terms of medical science, there is the term diagnosis or analysis of the occurrence of a disease and there is the term therapy or an attempt to treat it. Then in other parts, the atmosphere or in other languages, namely the atmosphere is necessary. created. Therefore, choosing a friend must be careful, because he can take us. Likewise in choosing a neighbor. When we buy a house, what we pay attention to is not just the flood or not, even though that is important. If there is a flood, the land or house can still be elevated. But if the neighbors are certainly very difficult.
Description: Kalau kita perhatikan judul ini, ada kata pencegahan dan ada kata penyakit sosial. Dalam istilah ilmu kedokteran ada istilah diagnosa atau menganalisis tentang terjadinya suatu penyakit dan ada istilah terapi atau upaya mengobatinya.Kemudian di bagian lain, suasana atau dalam bahasa lainnya yaitu atmosfer itu perlu diciptakan. Karena itu memilih teman harus hati-hati, karena ia bisa membawa kita. Begitu juga dalam hal memilih jiran. Ketika kita membeli rumah, yang diperhatikan bukan banjir atau tidaknya saja, walaupun itu penting. Kalau banjir, tanah atau rumah masih bisa ditinggikan. Tetapi kalau tetangga tentu sangat sulit.
Appears in Collections:Buletin Taqwa

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