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dc.description.abstractRasionalisasi tenaga non PNS memberikan dampak terhadap kinerja Pegawai Negeri Sipil. Merasionalisasikan Pegawai honorer akan berdampak positif bagi peningkatan kinerja tetapi dalam kenyataanya masih banyak tugas dan tanggung jawab para Pegawai yang belum optimal dan belum sesuai dengan apa yang diharapkan. Maka rumusan masalah adalah (1) Bagaimanakah implementasi surat edaran Bupati Bener Meriah No. PEG. 800/597/2017 tentang rasionalisasi tenaga non PNS Dinas Pekerjaan Umum Perumahan Dan Kawasan Pemukiman Kab. Bener Meriah. (2) Faktor apakah yang menghambat implementasi surat edaran Bupati Bener Meriah No. PEG. 800/597/2017 tentang rasionalisasi tenaga non PNS Dinas Pekerjaan Umum Perumahan Dan Kawasan Pemukiman Kab. Bener Meriah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis bagaimana implementasi surat edaran Bupati Bener Meriah di Dinas Pekerjaan Umum Perumahan Dan Kawasan Pemukiman Kab. Bener Meriah serta hambatan dalam implementasi di Dinas Pekerjaan Umum Perumahan Dan Kawasan Pemukiman Kab. Bener Meriah. Adapun metode Penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan analisis kualitatif. Pengumpulan data di peroleh dari wawancara, dokumentasi, dan observasi. Dengan hasil penelitian sebagai berikut (1) Komunikasi yang di lakukan sudah baik walaupun kedisiplinan para Pegawai masih kurang baik. (2) Sumber daya peningkatan kinerja PNS belum sepenuhnya efektif karena disiplin pegawai yang masih kurang dalam tugas dan tanggung jawab. (3) Sikap pelaksana masih terdapat pegawai yang tingkat kehadiran dan capaian kinerjanya dibawah 100%. (4) Struktur birokrasi kedisiplinan dan kinerja menjadi tolak ukur yang digunakan sebagai dasar hukum dalam peningkatan kinerja. Saran dari penelitian ini adalah Pegawai yang disiplin sudah seharusnya mendapatkan tambahan penghasilan yang lebih besar dibandingkan yang tidak disiplin. Sikap tegas dari pimpinan, Kepala Dinas, Sekretaris maupun Kepala Bidang, perlu ditingkatkan lagi. Di harapkan agar pimpinan segera menempatkan pegawai yang ada pada bagian struktur birokrasi yang kosong agar sesuai dengan tupoksi yang ada dan sesuai dengan efektifitas kerja pegawai. The rationalization of non-PNS staff has an impact on the performance of Civil Servants. Rationalizing Honorary Employees will have a positive impact on performance improvement but in reality there are still many tasks and responsibilities of employees that are not optimal and are not in line with what is expected. Then the problem formulation is (1) How is the implementation of Bener Meriah Regent Circular No. PEG 800/597/2017 concerning the rationalization of non-PNS personnel Public Housing and Settlement Areas Public Works Office. Really festive. (2) What factors hinder the implementation of Bener Meriah District Circular No. PEG 800/597/2017 concerning the rationalization of non- PNS personnel Public Housing and Settlement Areas Public Works Office. Really festive. The purpose of this study was to analyze how the implementation of the Bener Meriah Regent Circular in the Public Works and Housing Area District Office. Bener Meriah and the obstacles in implementation in the Department of Public Works Housing and Settlements District. Really festive. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative analysis. Data collection is obtained from interviews, documentation, and observation. With the results of the study as follows (1) The communication is good even though the discipline of the employees is still not good. (2) The resources for increasing the performance of civil servants have not been fully effective because of employee discipline that is still lacking in duties and responsibilities. (3) The attitude of the executor is that there are still employees whose attendance and performance levels are below 100%. (4) The bureaucratic structure of discipline and performance is the benchmark used as the legal basis for improving performance. Suggestion from this research is that employees who are disciplined should get additional income that is greater than those who are not disciplined. The assertiveness of the leadership, Head of Service, Secretary and Head of Division needs to be increased. It is expected that the leadership will immediately place the existing employees in the bureaucratic structure that is empty to fit the existing duties and in accordance with the effectiveness of employee work.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjectdinas pupren_US
dc.subjectrasionalisasi tenaga non pnsen_US
dc.subjectsurat edaran bupati bener meriahen_US
dc.titleImplementasi Surat Edaran Bupati bener Meriah Nomor PEG.800/597/2017 Tentang Rasionalisasi Tenaga Non PNS Dinas Pekerjaan Umum Perumahan dan Kawasan Pemukiman Kabupaten Bener Meriahen_US
dc.title.alternativeImplementation of the Regent's Circular Letter Number PEG.800 / 597/2017 Concerning the Rationalization of Non-PNS Personnel in Public Works for Housing and Settlement Areas in Bener Meriah Regencyen_US
Appears in Collections:MT - Master of Public Administration

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