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Title: Peningkatan Sifat Sifat Fatik dan Mekanis Baja Chromized Dengan Proses Perlakuan Panas
Other Titles: Increased Fatigue and Mechanical Properties of Chromized Steel With Heat Treatment Processes
Authors: Siregar, Amru
Nasution, Muslih
Keywords: fatique;chromized steel;hardening;tempering
Issue Date: Nov-2012
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Abstract: Machine components for usage the high temperature, besides needed the good mechanical properties, also needed the corrosion resistance properties. Chromized components exhibit superior resistance to a variety of aggressive corrosive mechanisms, including high temperature oxidation, sulfidation, and chloride-related attack. Chromized coatings are diffusion-type coating can be applied by pack cementation, with temperatur about 950C. So that happened degradation fatigue strength of chromized steel. The mechanical properties of chromized steel can be improvecd by heat-treatment process. In this research conducted hardening and tempering process to chromized steel. Influence of heat-treatment to the mechanical properties, it is has been tested by using ' machine rotary bending test. While examination of microstmcture can do it by using microscope optic. Analysis influence heat-treatment of chromized steel to fatigue strength, it is increase about (20 + 25)%.
Description: vii, 55 lbr. : ilus. ; 28 cm.
Appears in Collections:Report Research

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