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Title: Implementasi Aturan Hukum Terkait Sanitary and Phytosanitary di Badan Karantina Pertanian
Other Titles: Implementation of Legal Regulations Related to Sanitary and Phytosanitary at the Agricultural Quarantine Agency
Authors: Cahyono
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Isnaini
Ramadhan, M.CItra
Keywords: penerapan;perjanjian;sanitary and phytosanitary;badan karantina;application;sanitary and phytosanitary;agreement;quarantine agency
Issue Date: May-2019
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;171803022
Abstract: Aspek perdagangan internasional dalam Kesepakatan SPS secara prinsip berarti bahwa dalam usaha melindungi kesehatan, anggota WTO tidak seharusnya menggunakan ketentuan SPS yang tidak diperlukan, tidak berdasarkan pada pertimbangan ilmiah, tidak mengada-ada, atau secara tersembunyi (tersamar) membatasi perdagangan internasional. Permasalahan dalam penulisan tesis ini adalah bagaimana aturan hukum pelaksanaan agreement sanitary and phytosanitary di Badan Karantina Pertanian dan apakah ada pertentangan dengan SPS agreement, bagaimana penerapan agreement sanitary and phytosanitary di Badan Karantina Pertanian dan bagaimana hambatan-hambatan dalam implementasi agreement sanitary and phytosanitary di Badan Karantina Pertanian. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan apa yang menjadi permasalahan. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan yuridis normatif dan pendekatan yuridis empiris. Pendekatan yuridis normatif dimaksudkan sebagai penelahaan dalam tataran konsepsional tentang arti dan maksud berbagai peraturan hukum nasional. Sifat penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analis, maksudnya adalah dari penelitian ini diharapkan diperoleh gambaran secara rinci dan sistematis tentang permasalahan yang akan diteliti. Aturan hukum pelaksanaan agreement sanitary and phytosanitary di Badan Karantina Pertanian diatur dalam The WTO Agreemeny on The Appication Of Sanitary And Phytosanitary Measures, Undang-Undang, peraturan presiden, peraturan pemerintah dan peraturan menteri pertanian terkait perlindungan dan karantina hewan, tumbuhan, pangan dan manusia. Tetapi masih ada beberapa peraturan yang bertentang dengan SPS agreement yaitu pada Pasal 36 B Undang-Undang Undang-Undang No. 41 Tahun 2014 tentang Peternakan dan Kesehatan Hewan, Pasal 88 ayat (1) huruf b Undang-Undang No. 13 Tahun 2010 tentang Hortikultura, Pasal 14 Undang-Undang No. 18 Tahun 2012 Tentang Pangan dan Pasal 30 Undang-Undang No. 19 Tahun 2013 tentang Perlindungan dan Pemberdayaan Pertanian. Penerapan agreement sanitary and phytosanitary di Badan Karantina Pertanian untuk menjamin keamanan makanan dan perlindungan kesehatan hewan dan tumbuhan harus sejauh mungkin berdasarkan analisa dan bukti-bukti ilmiah yang sifatnya objektif dan akurat. Penerapan agreement sanitary and phytosanitary untuk melindungi kepentingan atau karena adanya tekanan dari produsen domestik, pemerintah membuat aturan yang sifatnya lebih menguntungkan produsen domestik dari persaingan ekonomi. Hambatan-hambatan dalam implementasi agreement sanitary and phytosanitary di Badan Karantina Pertanian yaitu: peraturan teknis yang terlalu cepat berubah, Undang-undang yang mengatur ketika produksi domestik cukup dilakukan pelarangan impor dan perlakuan persyaratan kesehatan yang berbeda antara produk impor dengan produk domestik, belum ditetapkannya ALOP dan hanya menggunakan standar internasional, Ketertelusuran asal produksi komoditi pertanian yang kurang. The aspect of international trade in the SPS Agreement basically means that in an effort to protect health, WTO members should not use SPS provisions that are not needed, not based on scientific considerations, not making it up, or hidden (disguised) restricting international trade. The problem in writing this thesis is how the legal rules for the implementation of the sanitary and phytosanitary agreement at the Agriculture Quarantine Agency and whether there is a conflict with the SPS agreement, how the sanitary and phytosanitary agreement will be implemented at the Agricultural Quarantine Agency and the implementation barriers sanitary and phytosanitary agreement at the Agricultural Quarantine Agency. The purpose of this study is to analyze and describe what is the problem. This type of research uses normative juridical and empirical juridical approaches. The normative juridical approach is intended as a conceptual level study of the meaning and purpose of various national legal regulations. The nature of this research is descriptive analyst, meaning that from this study it is expected to obtain a detailed and systematic description of the problems to be studied. The rule of law for the implementation of the sanitary and phytosanitary agreement at the Agricultural Quarantine Agency is regulated in the WTO Agreement on the Application of Sanitary And Phytosanitary Measures, Laws, presidential regulations, government regulations and ministerial regulations on the protection and quarantine of animals, plants, food and humans. But there are still some regulations that contradict the SPS agreement, namely in Article 36 B of Law No. 41 of 2014 concerning Animal Husbandry and Animal Health, Article 88 paragraph (1) letter b of Law No. 13 of 2010 concerning Horticulture, Article 14 of Law No. 18 of 2012 concerning Food and Article 30 of Law No. 19 of 2013 concerning Agricultural Protection and Empowerment. The application of the sanitary and phytosanitary agreement at the Agricultural Quarantine Agency to ensure food safety and protection of animal and plant health must be as far as possible based on analysis and scientific evidence that is objective and accurate. The application of a sanitary and phytosanitary agreement to protect interests or because of pressure from domestic producers, the government makes regulations that are more favorable to domestic producers from economic competition. Obstacles in the implementation of the sanitary and phytosanitary agreement in the Agriculture Quarantine Agency are: technical regulations that are too fast to change, the Law regulates when domestic production is sufficiently carried out by import restrictions and treatment of different health requirements between imported products and domestic products, ALOP has not been established and only uses international standards, traceability of the origin of agricultural commodity production is lacking.
Description: 113 Halaman
Appears in Collections:MT - Master of Law

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