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dc.contributor.authorPasaribu, Kennedi-
dc.description.abstractThis thesis research on abuse of the authority of civil servants is associated with corruption by conducting Decision Study Number : 73 / Pid.Sus-TPK / 2018 / PN.Mdn. The problem raised is how the regulation of criminal law against corruption and how panel of judges considerations in deciding corruption cases in decision number: 73 / Pid.Sus-TPK / 2018 / PN.Mdn. This research is directed towards normative legal research with a normative juridical approach, meaning that the study of this thesis is oriented towards positive law regarding the abuse of civil servant authority in relation to criminal acts of corruption Penelitian tesis ini tentang penyalahgunaan wewenang pegawai negeri sipil dikaitkan dengan tindak pidana korupsi dengan melakukan Studi Putusan Nomor : 73/Pid.Sus-TPK/2018/PN.Mdn. Adapun permasalahan yang diajukan adalah bagaimana pengaturan hukum pidana terhadap tindak pidana korupsi dan bagaimana pertimbangan hakim dalam memutus perkara korupsi dalam putusan nomor : 73/Pid.Sus-TPK/2018PN.Mdn.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjectAbuse of Authorityen_US
dc.subjectCivil Servantsen_US
dc.subjectCorruption Crimeen_US
dc.subjectPenyalahgunaan wewenangen_US
dc.subjectPegawai Negeri Sipilen_US
dc.subjectTindak Pidana Korupsien_US
dc.titleAnalisis Yuridis Penyalahgunaan Wewenang Pegawai Negeri Sipil Dikaitkan Dengan Tindak Pidana Korupsi (Studi Putusan Nomor : 73/Pid. Sus-Tpk/2018/Pn.Mdn)en_US
dc.typeTesis Magisteren_US
Appears in Collections:MT - Master of Law

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