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Authors: Tangkas
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Kadir, Abdul
Siregar, Nina Siti Salamaniah
Keywords: Implementasi;Peraturan Daerah;Pemilihan Kepala Desa;Implementation;Local regulation;Village Head Election
Issue Date: Nov-2013
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;108510089
Abstract: Pemilihan Kepala Desa dafam kesatuan masyarakat hlikum adat beserta hak tradisionalnya sepanjang masih hidup dan diakui keberadaannya berlaku ketentuan hukum adat setempat, yang diterapkan dalam Peraturan Daerah dengan herpedoman pada Peraturan Pemerintah·. Sebagai bentuk proses demokrasi maka pelaksanaan kepemimpinan melalu proses pemilihan menjadi suatu keharusan dalam rangka memenuhi ketentuan konstitusi dan kesinanibungan .proses pembangunan, termasuk pada tingkat desa. · Oleh sebab itu .pemilihan kepala desa sebagai bentuk demokrasi yang telah mengakar dikalangan masyarakat pedesaan diharapkan dapat tetap berjalan dalam· koridor yang demokratis, jujur dan rahasia mengingat demokrasi yang ·berfangsung saat ini disinyaJir diragukan kejujurannya, daJam penelitian ini proses pemilihan kepala desa menjadi penting untuk dikaji sebagai bahan telaah. Penelitian menggunakan anaJisis .data melalui reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Selanjutnya diharapkan dapat menjawab perumusan masalah yang ada dan 1ujuan penelitian ini tercapai. Berdasarkan pembahasan, .penelitian ini diperoleh basil bahvva mekanisme yang dijalankan cukup baik. sesuai ketentuan dan peraturan yang menjadi dasar pelaksanaa􀃚ya. walaupun ditemukan persoalan atau · masalah maka hal tersebut merupakan faktor lain yang tidak mempengaruhi keseluruhan penelitian .. Dengan gambaran tersebut maka cepat atau lambat desa diharapkan mampu memenuhi kepentingan dan kebutuhan yang dirasakannya karena kewenangan. membuat keputusan-keputusan sendiri melalui semangat keswadayaan yang telah lama dimiliki oleh desa secara mandiri. Ciri paling kuat dari pemerintahan di Indonesia adalah adanya peranan dana swadaya dan gotong royong, sebagai modal sosial yang jauh lebih penting dan utama bi1a dibandingkan dengan modal keuangan atau.anggaran. The election of the Village Head is a customary law community unit and its traditional rights as long as it is still alive and its existence is recognized and the provisions of local customary law apply, which are applied in a Regional Regulation with the guidelines of the Government Regulation. As a form of democratic process, the implementation of leadership through the electoral process is a must in order to fulfill constitutional provisions and engage in the development process, including at the village level. Therefore, the election of a village head as a form of democracy that has been rooted in rural communities is expected to continue in a democratic, honest and secret corridor considering the current democracy in its honesty is doubtful. In this research, the process of selecting village heads becomes important. to be studied as study material. This research uses data analysis through data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Furthermore, it is hoped that it can answer the formulation of existing problems and achieve the objectives of this study. Based on the discussion, this research shows that the mechanism is implemented quite well. according to the rules and regulations that form the basis of its implementation. although problems or problems are found, it is another factor that does not affect the overall research. With this description, sooner or later the village is expected to be able to fulfill the interests and needs it feels because of its authority. make their own decisions through the spirit of self-reliance that the village has long had independently owned. The strongest feature of governance in Indonesia is the role of self-help and mutual aid funds, as social capital which is far more important and more important than financial capital or budgetary capital.
Appears in Collections:SP - Government Science

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