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dc.contributor.advisorSaraswaty, Rina-
dc.description48 halamanen_US
dc.description.abstractProses pengecoran kolom dilakukan pada tengah hari walaupun ruang lingkupnya kecil pada pembangunan kolom namun juga sangat penting bagi ketahanan bangunan. Beton yang digunakna pada pembuatan kolom ini hanya berupa portland composite cement berstanar SNI berikut adalah persiapan dalam melakukan pengecoran : persiapan alat pendukung seperti sekop ember air, sebelum dilkaukna pengecoran beton di racik dan sampel di uji setelah pengecekkan sudah dilakukannya dan hasilnya sesuai dengan standar lalu mulai pengecoran. Pada tahap pengecoran akses ke atas gapura mengugnakan scaffolding pengecoran dilakukan disetiap titik dan dilakukan secara bertahap. The column casting process is carried out in the middle of the day although the scope is small in the construction of the column but it is also very important for the durability of the building. The concrete used in the manufacture of this column is only in the form of portland composite cement with SNI standards. Here are the preparations for doing the casting: preparation of supporting tools such as a water bucket shovel, before casting the concrete is mixed and the sample is tested after the check has been carried out and the results are in accordance with the standard then start casting. At the casting stage, access to the top of the gate uses scaffolding, casting is carried out at each point and carried out in stages.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjectpengawasan pekerjaan kolomen_US
dc.subjectdudukan kubah gapuraen_US
dc.subjectperencanaan proyek sipilen_US
dc.subjectjasa rancang bangunen_US
dc.titleLaporan Kerja Praktek I Pengawasan Pekerjaan Kolom (Dudukan Kubah Gapura) Masjid Agung Medanen_US
dc.title.alternativeJob Training Report I Supervision of Column Work (Gate Dome Stand) Medan Grand Mosqueen_US
Appears in Collections:Laporan Kerja Praktik (LKP)

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