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dc.contributor.advisorKusmanto, Heri-
dc.contributor.authorSusanti, Dewi-
dc.description85 Halamanen_US
dc.description.abstractPeningkatan pelayanan kepegawaian berbasis teknologi informasi online sesuai Peraturan Kepala (Perka) BKN No. 25 Tahun 2013 sudah dilaksanakan di Badan Kepegawaian dan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia (BKPSDM) Kab. Aceh Tenggara. Dengan tujuannya untuk memperlancar dan memudahkan setiap pegawai dalam pengurusan administrasi kepegawaian kenaikan pangkat dan pensiun. Namun pada kenyataannya kebijakan ini belum berjalan efektif bagi pegawai di BKPSDM. rumusan masalah adalah (1) Bagaimana implementasi Peratuan Kepala BKN No. 25 Tahun 2013 tentang Kenaikan Pangkat Paper less dalam meningkatkan pelayanan berbasis online di BKPSDM Kab. Aceh Tenggara? (2) Apakah hambatan dalam implementasi Peraturan Kepala BKN No. 25 Tahun 2013 tentang Kenaikan Pangkat Paper less dalam meningkatkan pelayanan berbasis online di BKPSDM Kab. Aceh Tenggara? Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis bagaimana implementasi Peraturan Kepala BKN No. 25 Tahun 2013 tentang Kenaikan Pangkat Paper less dalam meningkatkan pelayanan berbasis online di BKPSDM Kab. Aceh Tenggara serta hambatan dalam implementasi Peraturan Kepala BKN No. 25 Tahun 2013 tentang Kenaikan Pangkat Paper less dalam meningkatkan pelayanan berbasis online di BKPSDM Kab. Aceh Tenggara. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan analisis kualitatif. Pengumpulan data di peroleh dari wawancara, dokumentasi, dan observasi. Hasil penelitian yang diuji dengan teori Edward III sebagai berikut (1) Komunikasi sudah berlangsung di BKPSDM Kab. Aceh Tenggara dengan melakukan sosialisasi pelayanan berbasis online antara pegawai dan pimpinan sudah berjalan dengan baik. (2) Sumber daya pelayanan berbasis online di BKPSDM Kab. Aceh Tenggara belum berjalan maksimal dengan kurangnya fasilitas dan ketersediaan prasarana. (3) Sikap pelaksana di BKPSDM Kab. Aceh Tenggara memiliki perhatian yang tinggi terutama terhadap tugas-tugas yang harus dikerjakan. (4) Struktur birokrasi di dalam kebijakan pengambilan keputusan yang dilakukan oleh pimpinan sudah berusaha melibatkan bawahan untuk ikut berpartisipasi didalamnya. Saran dari penelitian ini adalah BKPSDM Kab. Aceh Tenggara sebaiknya membuat strategi pengembangan SDM melalui pelatihan, pendidikan, pembinaan, recruitment dan melalui perubahan sistem. Dan memaksimalkan sarana dan prasarana berupa peralatan mesin dan peralatan komunikasi. Improved online information technology-based staffing services in accordance with the Regulation of the Head (Perka) of BKN No. 25 of 2013 has been implemented in the Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency (BKPSDM) Kab. Southeast Aceh. With the aim of facilitating and facilitating each employee in managing the personnel administration of promotion and retirement. However, in reality this policy has not been effective for employees at BKPSDM. the formulation of the problem is (1) How is the implementation of the Regulation of the Head of BKN No. 25 of 2013 concerning Increasing the Rank of Paper less in improving online-based services in BKPSDM Kab. Southeast Aceh? (2) What are the obstacles in the implementation of Regulation of the Head of BKN No. 25 of 2013 concerning Increasing the Rank of Paper less in improving online-based services in BKPSDM Kab. Southeast Aceh? The purpose of this research is to analyze how the implementation of the Regulation of the Head of BKN No. 25 of 2013 concerning Increasing the Rank of Paper less in improving online-based services in BKPSDM Kab. Aceh Tenggara as well as obstacles in the implementation of Regulation of the Head of BKN No. 25 of 2013 concerning Increasing the Rank of Paper less in improving online-based services in BKPSDM Kab. Southeast Aceh. The research method used in this research is descriptive with qualitative analysis. Data collection is obtained from interviews, documentation, and observations. The results of the research tested with Edward III's theory are as follows (1) Communication has taken place in BKPSDM Kab. Aceh Tenggara by conducting online-based service outreach between employees and leaders has been going well. (2) Online-based service resources in BKPSDM Kab. Aceh Tenggara has not run optimally with a lack of facilities and infrastructure availability. (3) The attitude of the implementer in BKPSDM Kab. Aceh Tenggara has a high level of attention, especially to the tasks that must be done. (4) The bureaucratic structure in the decision-making policies carried out by the leadership has tried to involve subordinates to participate in it. The suggestion from this research is BKPSDM Kab. Aceh Tenggara should develop a human resource development strategy through training, education, coaching, recruitment and through system changes. And maximize the facilities and infrastructure in the form of machine tools and communication equipment.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjectimplementasi onlineen_US
dc.subjectperka BKN no 25 tahun 2013en_US
dc.titleImplementasi Peraturan Kepala BKN Nomor 25 Tahun 2013 Tentang Kenaikan Pangkat Paper Less Dalam Meningkatkan Pelayanan Berbasis Online di BKPSDM Kabupaten Aceh Tenggaraen_US
dc.title.alternativeImplementation of the Regulation of the Head of BKN Number 25 of 2013 concerning the Promotion of Paper Less Ranks in Improving Online-Based Services at the BKPSDM of Southeast Aceh Regencyen_US
Appears in Collections:MT - Master of Public Administration

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