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dc.contributor.authorSembiring, Relly Efianta-
dc.description.abstractSelf regulated learning merupakan dasar kesuksesan belajar, problom solving, transfer belajar, dan k esuksesan akademis secara umum. Self regulated learning adalah usaha untuk memonitor, meregulasi, dan mengontrol aspek kognitif, motivasi dan perilaku. Semua proses yang terjadi akan diarahkan dan didorong oleh tujuan serta disesuaikan dengan konteks lingkungan. Self regulated learning dipengaruhi oleh faktor personal,lingkungan dan perilaku. Interaksi antara faktor personal ,lingkunan dan prilaku dapat menyebabkan munculnya kecemasan akademis pada siswa di sekolah SMA Negeri I Berastagi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kecemasan akademis dengan self regulated learning pada siswa di sekolah SMA Negeri I Berastagi. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas XI IPS Rombel SMA Negeri I Berastagi yang berjumlah 97 orang dengan rentang usia 16 – 18 tahun. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kuantitatif. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik total sampling dimana peneliti mengambil seluruh anggota populasi sebagai responden atau sampel. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan dua skala, yaitu skala self regulated learning yang disusun berdasarkan teori Zimmerman (1989) dan skala kecemasan akademis yang disusun berdasakan teori Holmes (1991). Skala self regulated learning terdiri dari 42 aitem, dengan nilai reliabilitas sebesar 0,896. Skala kecemasan akademis terdiri dari 56 aitem, dengan nilai reliabilitas sebesar 0,927. Analisis data dalam penelitian menggunakan metode analisis regreasi sederhana dengan hasil koefisien korelasi (rxy) sebesar -0,488 dengan p = 0,619 ( p < 0,005 ), artinya hipotesis yang menyatakan adanya hubungan negatif antara kecemasan akademis dengan self regulated learning dapat diterima. Self regulated learning is the basis of successful learning, problo solving, transfer of learning, and academic success in general. Self regulated learning is an attempt to monitor, regulate, and control aspects of cognitive, motivation and behavior. All processes that occur will be directed and driven by goals and adapted to the context of the environment. Self-regulated learning is influenced by personal, environmental and behavioral factors. The interaction between personal, environmental and behavioral factors can lead to academic anxiety among students at SMA Negeri I Berastagi. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between academic anxiety and self-regulated learning in students at SMA Negeri I Berastagi. The research subjects were 97 students of class XI IPS Rombel SMA Negeri I Berastagi, aged 16-18 years. The research method used was quantitative research methods. Sampling was done using a total sampling technique in which the researcher took all members of the population as respondents or samples. Data were collected using two scales, namely the self-regulated learning scale based on the theory of Zimmerman (1989) and the academic anxiety scale based on the theory of Holmes (1991). The scale of self-regulated learning consists of 42 items, with a reliability value of 0.896. The academic anxiety scale consists of 56 items, with a reliability value of 0.927. Analysis data in the study used a simple regeneration analysis method with a correlation coefficient (ry) of -0.488 with p = 0.619 (p <0.005), meaning that the hypothesis which states that there is a negative relationship between academic anxiety and self-regulated learning is acceptable.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjectkecemasan akademisen_US
dc.subjectself regulated learningen_US
dc.subjectacademic anxietyen_US
dc.subjectself regulated learningen_US
dc.titleHubungan antara Kecemasan Akademis dengan Self Regulated Learning pada Siswa di Sekolah SMA Negeri I Berastagi.en_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Psychology

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