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dc.contributor.advisorFadillah, Risydah-
dc.contributor.advisorDR, Maqhfirah-
dc.contributor.authorKhadijah, Siti-
dc.description148 Halamanen_US
dc.description.abstractDukungan keluarga merupakan sikap, tindakan, dan penerimaan terhadap keluarga dan dukungan ini berasal dari anak, istri, suami, dan keluarga yang lain, semnetara kecemasan adalah reaksi normal dan wajar ketika menghadapi suatu tekanan masalah ditandai dengan rasa takut, kekhawatiran yang dialami seseorang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan dukungan keluarga terhadap kecemasan ibu hamil primigravida trimester III dalam menghadapi persalinan di wilayah kerja klinik Rafifa Desa Cempedak Lobang. Tipe penelitan yang digunakan yaitu kuantitatif korelasional dengan teknik purposive sampling. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 36 ibu hamil dengan kriteria ibu hamil primigravida trimester III yang melakukan persalinan di klinik Rafifa berusia 20-35 tahun. Alat ukur yang digunakan yakni skala dukungan keluarga yang disusun berdasarkan aspek-aspek menurut Friedman (2010), dan skala kecemasan menggunakan alat ukur HRS-A (Hamilton Rating Scale Anxiety) yang dimodifikasi dan dikembangkan oleh peneliti. Hipotesis dari penelitian ini diterima artinya ada hubungan dukungan keluarga dengan kecemasan. Hasil ini diketahui dengan melihat mean hipotetik kecemasan 200 dan dukungan keluarga 167,5 kemudian mean empirik kecemasan 243,53 dan dukungan keluarga 129,58. Hasil analisis menggunakan product moment dengan nilai koefisien korelasinya -0,640 signifikansi p = 0,000<0,050, dengan bobot sumbangan 41%, masih terdapat 59% pengaruh dari faktor lain yaitu nyeri, keadaan fisik, riwayat pemeriksaan kehamilan, pengetahuan, dan pendidikan. Family support is an attitude, action, and acceptance of the family and this support can come from children, wives, husbands, and other families, anxiety is a normal and natural thing when facing a pressure problem that is characterized by fear, anxiety experienced by someone. This study aims to see the correlation of family support to the anxiety of third trimester primigravida pregnant women in dealing with childbirth in the working area of the Rafifa clinic in Cempedak Lobang village. The type of research used is quantitative correlation with purposive sampling technique. The research sample was 36 pregnant women with the criteria of third trimester primigravida pregnant women who gave birth at the Rafifa clinic age 20-35 tahun. The measuring instrument used is the family support scale which is based on aspects according to Friedman (2010), and the anxiety scale uses the HRS-A (Hamilton Rating Scale Anxiety) measuring instrument which is modifies and developed by the researcher. The hypothesis o this study is accepted, meaning that there is a correlation between family support and anxiety. This results is known by looking at the hypothetical mean of anxiety 200 and family support 167,5 then the empirical mean for anxiety is 243,53 and family support is 129,58. The value or coefficient where the coefficient is -0,640 with a significance of p = 0,000 < 0,050, with a contribution weight of 41%. From these results, it is known that there are still 59% influence from other factors. The other factors are pain, physical condition, pregnancy examination history, knowledge, and education.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjectdukungan keluargaen_US
dc.subjectibu hamil primigravida trimester iiien_US
dc.subjectfamily supporten_US
dc.subjectthird trimester of primigravida pregnant womenen_US
dc.titleHubungan Dukungan Keluarga Terhadap Kecemasan Ibu Hamil Primigravida Trimester III Dalam Menghadapi Persalinan Di Wilayah Kerja Klinik Rafifa Desa Cempedak Lobangen_US
dc.title.alternativeRelationship of Family Support to Anxiety in Third Trimester Primigravida Pregnant Women in Facing Childbirth in the Work Area of ​​the Rafifa Clinic, Cempedak Lobang Villageen_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Psychology

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