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Title: Penegakan Sanksi Kode Etik Terhadap Personil Brimob Oleh Propam Disatuan Brimob Polda Sumut
Other Titles: Enforcement of Code of Ethics Sanctions Against Brimob Personnel by Propam in the North Sumatra Police Mobile Brigade Unit
Authors: Sitompul, Kennedy
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Marlina
Keywords: penegakan;sanksi;kode etik;personil brimob;enforcement;sanctions;code of ethics;brimob personnel
Issue Date: 6-Jul-2020
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;181803041
Abstract: Propam merupakan unit kepolisian yang bertugas membina dan menyelenggarakan fungsi pertanggungjawaban profesi dan pengamanan internal termasuk penegakan disiplin dan ketertiban di lingkungan kepolisian, serta menyelenggarakan fungsi pelayanan pengaduan masyarakat tentang adanya penyimpangan tindakan anggota kepolisian. Berdasarkan hal tersebut rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini: 1) Bagaimana aturan hukum tentang penegakan sanksi kode etik terhadap personil Kepolisian Republik Indonesia, 2) Bagaimana peran Propam dalam penegakan sanksi kode etik terhadap personil Brimob Disatuan Brimob Polda Sumut, 3) Bagaimana kendala yang dihadapi Propam dalam penegakan sanksi kode etik terhadap personil Brimob Disatuan Brimob Polda Sumut. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif, sedangkan teknik analisis data menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif. Dari hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa aturan hukum tentang penegakan sanksi kode etik terhadap personil Kepolisian Republik Indonesia diatur dalam Perkapolri No. 14 Tahun 2011 Tentang Kode Etik Profesi Kepolisian. Pada pasal 17 ayat (1) huruf a dinyatakan bahwa penegakan kode etik profesi polri dilaksanakan oleh propam polri bidang pertanggungjawaban profesi. Sanksi pelanggaran kode etik diatur dalam pasal 21, yaitu: menyatakan perilaku pelanggar sebagai perbuatan tercela, kewajiban untuk meminta maaf dihadapan sidang KKEP, kewajiban mengikuti pembinaan mental kepribadian, kejiwaan, keagamaan dan pengetahuan profesi, dipindahtugaskan ke jabatan, fungsi, atau wilayah yang bersifat demosi, serta pemberhentian tidak dengan hormat. Propam Polda Sumatera Utara telah melakukan penegakan sanksi kode etik disatuan brimob sesuai dengan aturan yang berlaku, walaupun belum dapat dilakukan secara maksimal. Propam menerima laporan atau pengaduan dari masyarakat atas berbagai pelanggaran kode etik yang diduga telah dilakukan oleh anggota brimob, baik yang dilakukan pada saat bertugas ataupun dilakukan di luar kedinasan, serta menindaklanjuti laporan dengan melakukan pemeriksaan pendahuluan serta menyerahkan hasil pemeriksaan kepada sidang komite kode etik polri. Berbagai faktor kendala yang dihadapi propam dalam penegakan sanksi kode etik adalah: peraturan sanksi kode etik yang kurang jelas, atasan yang kurang mendukung sehingga tidak tegas dalam penegakan sanksi, adanya solidaritas sesama anggota untuk saling melindungi walaupun telah melakukan pelanggaran, adanya intervensi dari pihak lain yang secara sengaja menghambat proses penegakan sanksi terhadap pelaku pelanggaran, serta kurangnya personil propam sehingga tidak sebanding dengan jumlah anggota brimob yang harus diawasi. Disarankan pemerintah perlu membuat peratuan yang lebih jelas mengenai sanksi kode etik yang dapat dijatuhkan sesuai dengan jenis pelanggaran yang dilakukan oleh pelaku pelanggaran. Ankum perlu menyadari pentingnya penegakan sanksi kode etik secara tegas di lingkungan kepolisian termasuk di satuan brimob sehingga dapat memberikan dukungan yang kuat terhadap fungsi propam. Atasan serta seluruh jajaran pimpinan perlu memberikan pengarahan kepada semua anggota agar lebih mengutamakan kepentingan institusi kepolisian secara organisasi dibanding kepentingan pribadi anggota, agar prinsip solidaritas anggota tidak digunakan untuk melindungi kesalahan anggota lainnya, dan juga tidak berupaya mengintervensi proses penegakan sanksi yang sedang dilakukan terhadap pelaku pelanggaran. Pemerintah perlu mengupayakan untuk meningkatkan jumlah personil anggota propam sehingga fungsi pengawasan terhadap anggota brimob dapat dilakukan dengan baik. Propam is a police unit that is tasked with fostering and carrying out professional accountability and internal security functions, including the enforcement of discipline and order within the police environment, as well as organizing a public complaints service function regarding any deviation in the actions of police officers. Based on this, the formulation of the problem in this study: 1) How do the legal rules regarding the enforcement of code of ethics sanctions against the Republic of Indonesia Police personnel, 2) How is the role of Propam in enforcing code of ethics sanctions against Brimob personnel in North Sumatra Regional Police Mobile Brigade, 3) What are the obstacles faced by Propam in enforcing code of ethics sanctions against North Sumatra Regional Police Mobile Brigade personnel. The research method used is descriptive method, while the data analysis technique uses qualitative descriptive. From the results of this study indicate that the rule of law regarding the enforcement of ethical code sanctions against Republic of Indonesia Police personnel is regulated in Perkapolri No. 14 of 2011 concerning the Police Professional Code of Ethics. In Article 17 paragraph (1) letter a, it is stated that the enforcement of the national police professional code of ethics is carried out by the National Police Propam in the field of professional responsibility. Sanctions for violations of the code of ethics are regulated in article 21, namely: stating violators' behavior as a despicable act, the obligation to apologize before the KKEP session, the obligation to follow mental development, personality, psychiatric, religious and professional knowledge, being transferred to demotion positions, functions or areas , and dismissal is not respectful. The North Sumatra Regional Police Propam has enforced a code of ethics sanction in the Brimob unit in accordance with applicable regulations, although it has not been able to be done maximally. Propam receives reports or complaints from the public for various violations of the code of ethics allegedly committed by members of the Mobile Brigade, whether committed while on duty or carried out outside the service, as well as following up on the report by conducting a preliminary examination and submitting the examination results to the police ethics committee committee. Various obstacles faced by propam in enforcing code of ethics sanctions are: unclear code of ethics sanctions regulations, superiors who are less supportive so that it is not strict in enforcing sanctions, there is solidarity among members to protect each other even though they have committed violations, interventions from other parties that deliberately hinder the process of enforcing sanctions against violators, as well as the lack of propam personnel so that it is not proportional to the number of Brimob members who must be monitored. It is recommended that the government needs to make clearer rules regarding code of ethics sanctions that can be imposed according to the type of violation committed by the violator. Ankum needs to be aware of the importance of enforcing strict ethical code sanctions in the police environment including the Mobile Brigade unit so that it can provide strong support for the function of propam. Superiors and all leaders need to give direction to all members to prioritize the interests of police institutions in an organization rather than the personal interests of members, so that the principle of solidarity of members is not used to protect the mistakes of other members, and also does not try to intervene in the process of enforcing sanctions that are being carried out against violators . The government needs to strive to increase the number of personnel of propam members so that the oversight function of Brimob members can be carried out properly.
Description: 123 Halaman
Appears in Collections:MT - Master of Law

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