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Title: Hubungan Antara Stres Kerja Dengan Komitmen Organisasi Pada Guru Yayasan Perguruan Brigjend Katamso Medan Marelan Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19
Other Titles: The Relationship Between Work Stress and Organizational Commitment to Teachers at the Brigjend Katamso Medan Marelan College Foundation During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Authors: Putri, Aisyah
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: syafrizaldi
Suri, Findy
Keywords: stress kerja;komitmen organisasi;job stress;organizational commitment
Issue Date: 4-Oct-2021
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;168600267
Abstract: Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara stres kerja dengan komitmen organisasi. Hipotesis yang diajukan ada hubungan negatif antara stress kerja dengan komitmen organisasi guru. Jumlah populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 88 guru Yayasan Brigjend Katamso Medan Marelan dengan teknik total sampling dan dilakukan sistem tryout terpisah terhadap sampel berjumlah 40 guru. Data dikumpulkan melalui skala yaitu 1) skala stres kerja 2) skala komitmen organisasi. Berdasarkan pandangan Sopiah (2018) Komitmen organisasional adalah keinginan anggota organisasi untuk tetap mempertahankan keanggotaannya dalam organisasi dan bersedia berusaha keras bagi pencapaian tujuan organisasi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan skala Likert dengan jumlah aitem sebanyak 40 aitem stres kerja dan 36 aitem komitmen organisasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada hubungan yang signifikan antara stres kerja dengan komitmen organisasi dimana rxy= -0,401< 0.005. artinya semakin tinggi stres kerja maka semakin rendah komitmen organisasi hipotesis diterima. Koefisien determinan (r2) = 0,161, ini menunjukkan bahwa stres kerja berkonstribusi terhadap komitmen organisasi. Hasil lain ditemukan bahwasanya dari perhitungan mean empiric stres kerja termasuk dalam kategori sedang mengarah tinggi dan komitmen organisasi termasuk dalam kategori sedang mengarah tinggi. Diketahui hasil penelitian bahwa stres kerja sedang mengarah ketinggi sebab nilai rata-rata empiric (97,77) lebih besar dari hipotetik (92,5) dan komitmen organisasi tergolong sedang mengarah ketinggi sebab nilai rata-rata empiric (73,65) lebih besar dari nilai rata-rata hipotetik (70). This study is a quantitative study that aims to determine the relationship between job stress and organizational commitment. The proposed hypothesis is that there is a negative relationship between job stress and teacher organizational commitment. The population in this study amounted to 88 teachers at the Brigjend Katamso Medan Marelan Foundation with a total sampling technique and a separate tryout system was carried out on a sample of 40 teachers. Data were collected through a scale, namely 1) work stress scale 2) organizational commitment scale. Sopiah (2018) Organizational commitment is the desire of organizational members to maintain their membership in the organization and are willing to strive for the achievement of organizational goals.Data was collected using a Likert scale with a total of 40 items of work stress and 36 items of organizational commitment. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between work stress and organizational commitment where rxy = -0.401 < 0.005. it means that the higher the job stress, the lower the organizational commitment the hypothesis is accepted. The coefficient of determinant (r2) = 0.161, this indicates that work stress contributes to organizational commitment. Other results found that from the calculation of the mean empirical work stress was included in the medium category leading to high and organizational commitment included in the medium category leading to high. It is known from the results of the study that moderate work stress leads to high because the empirical average value (97.77) is greater than the hypothetical (92.5) and organizational commitment is classified as moderate leading to high because the empirical average value (73.65) is greater than the average value. hypothetical mean (70).
Description: 107 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Psychology

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