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Title: Pengaruh Biaya Distribusi dan Saluran Distribusi Terhadap Penjualan PT. Pasha Jaya Medan
Other Titles: The Effect of Distribution Costs and Distribution Channels on Sales of PT. Pasha Jaya Medan
Authors: Prahada, Muhammad Hafiandi
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Siregar, M Yamin
Keywords: biaya distribusi;saluran distribusi;penjualan;distribution costs;distribution channels;sales
Issue Date: 28-Sep- 28
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;178320079
Abstract: Distribusi pada dasarnya merupakan kegiatan penyampaian produk dari tangan produsen ke tangan konsumen atau pelanggan dalam kondisi baik, tepat waktu serta sesuai dengan keinginan pembeli. Proses distribusi dapat dilakukan baik secara langsung maupun melalui rantai distributor atau perantara. Dalam kegiatan distribusi, pasti ada biaya distribusi dan saluran distribusi. Biaya distribusi dan saluran distribusi harus dikelola dengan baik agar berdampak positif terhadap penjualan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Biaya Distribusi dan Saluran Distribusi Terhadap Penjualan PT. Pasha Jaya Medan. Populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 9 perusahaan yang membeli produk PT. Pasha Jaya Medan. Masing-masing dari perusahaan tersebut, diambil 5 responden sehingga total sampel berjumlah 45 responden. Sampel diambil dengan menggunakan teknik sampling jenuh. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data primer dengan menggunakan metode pengumpulan data melalui kuesioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Biaya Distribusi ( berpengaruh signifikan terhadap penjualan PT. Pasha Jaya Medan, Saluran Distribusi ( tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap penjualan PT. Pasha Jaya Medan, dan Biaya Distribusi dan Sakuran Distribusi berpengaruh secara simultan terhadap penjualan PT. Pasha Jaya Medan. Distribution is basically an activity of delivering products from the hands of producers to consumers or customers in good condition, on time and in accordance with the wishes of the buyer. The distribution process can be carried out either directly or through a chain of distributors or intermediaries. In distribution activities, there must be distribution costs and distribution channels. Distribution costs and channel distribution must be managed properly in order to have a positive impact on sales. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of distribution costs and distribution channels on sales of PT. Pasha Jaya Medan. The population in this study found 9 companies that bought the product of PT. Pasha Jaya Medan. Each of these companies, taken 5 respondents so that the total sample amounted to 45 respondents. Samples were taken using a saturated sampling technique. The type of data used is primary data by using data collection methods through questionnaires. The results showed that Distribution Costs ( had a significant effect on the sales of PT. Pasha Jaya Medan, Distribution Channel ( ) has no significant effect on the sales of PT. Pasha Jaya Medan, and Distribution Costs and Distribution Fees simultaneously affect the sales of PT. Pasha Jaya Medan.
Description: 83 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Management

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