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Title: Pengaruh Brand Awareness dan Perceived Value Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian (Studi Kasus Bandar Kopi Medan)
Other Titles: The Effect of Brand Awareness and Perceived Value on Purchase Decisions (Case Study of Bandar Kopi Medan)
Authors: Baskoro, Aji
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Sugito, Sugito
Keywords: brand awareness;perceived value;keputusan pembelian
Issue Date: 24-Aug-2021
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM, 178320023;
Abstract: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Brand Awareness Dan Perceived Value Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian (Studi Kasus Bandar Kopi Medan) secara parsial dan simultan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Asosiatif Kuantitaif. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 88 Konsumen/Pembeli di Bandar Kopi Medan. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan Sumber data primer. Teknik pengumpulan data penelitian ini menggunakan angket/kuisioner. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ialah analisis regresi linear berganda dengan software IBM SPSS versi 21.0. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Variabel Brand Awareness secara parsial berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian pada Bandar Kopi Medan. Artinya, apabila semakin tinggi tingkat brand awareness para calon pembeli maka akan semakin tinggi juga keputusan pembelian pada Bandar Kopi Medan, begitu juga sebaliknya. Variabel Perceived Value secara parsial berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian pada Bandar Kopi Medan. Artinya apabila semakin tinggi tingkat perceived value para calon pembeli maka akan semakin tinggi juga keputusan pembelian pada Bandar Kopi Medan, begitu juga sebaliknya. Variabel Brand Awareness dan Perceived Value secara simultan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Keputusan Pembelian pada Bandar Kopi Medan. Variabel brand awareness dan perceived value menjelaskan perubahan pada variabel keputusan pembelian sebesar 73,20% sedangkan sisanya yaitu 16,80% dijelaskan oleh faktor-faktor lain di luar model penelitian The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Brand Awareness and Perceived Value on Purchasing Decisions (Case Study Bandar Kopi Medan) partially and simultaneously. This type of research is quantitative associative. The sample in this study were 88 consumers / buyers in Bandar Kopi Medan. In this study, researchers used primary data sources. This research data collection technique using a questionnaire / questionnaire. The data analysis technique used in the study was multiple linear regression analysis with the IBM SPSS version 21.0 software. The results showed that the Brand Awareness variable partially had a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions at Bandar Kopi Medan. That is, if the higher the level of brand awareness of the prospective buyers, the higher the purchasing decision at Bandar Kopi Medan, and vice versa. Perceived Value variable partially has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions at Bandar Kopi Medan. This means that if the higher the level of perceived value of the prospective buyers, the higher the purchasing decision at Bandar Kopi Medan, and vice versa. The variables of Brand Awareness and Perceived Value simultaneously have a significant effect on purchasing decisions at Bandar Kopi Medan. Brand awareness and perceived value variables explain changes in the purchasing decision variable by 73.20% while the remaining 16.80% is explained by other factors outside the research model.
Description: 86 halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Management

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