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dc.contributor.advisorHasibuan, Rafiah-
dc.contributor.advisorKS, Isnaniah Laili-
dc.description79 Halamanen_US
dc.description.abstractProduksi di dalam perusahaan merupakan suatu kegiatan yang cukup penting. Bahwa produksi merupakan dapurnya perusahaan, karena di sinilah produk-produk perusahaan dihasilkan atau diciptakan. Apabila kegiatan produksi dalam suatu kegiatan terhenti, maka kegiatan dalam perusahaan tersebut akan ikut terhenti. Demikian pula apabila kegiatan produksi terhambat, maka kegiatan produksi akan terganggu. Dari uraian di atas, jelas bahwa setiap perusahaan yang menjalankan kegiatan produksi diperlukan adanya fungsi-fungsi perencanaan dan pengawasan produksi, agar proses kegiatan tersebut mampu mencapai hasil yang optimal sesuai dengan tujuan yang telah ditetapkan. Dari hasil analisis dan evaluasi yang telah penulis lakukan tentang perencanaan dan pengawasan produksi di PT. Sinar Oleochemical International Medan, dapat diringkaskan sebagai berikut: Produk yang dihasilkan oleh Perusahaan PT. Sinar Oleochemical International Medan adalah fatty acid dan glycerine dengan 15 (lima bel as) varian produknya; Proses produksi di PT. Sinar Oleochemical International Medan meliputi Splitting (Pembelahan), Fractionation Fatty Acid (Pemisahan Fatty Acid), Glycerine Water Pretreatment, Glycerine Water Evaporation, Glycerine Distillation and Bleaching, Glycerine Ion-Exchange, dan Final Evaporation. Pengawasan produksi yang dilaksanakan di PT. Sinar Oleochemical International Medan meliputi pengawasan proses produksi, tenaga kerja, biaya produksi, dan pengawasan mesin dan peralatan; PT. Sinar Oleochemical International Medan menggunakan struktur organisasi lini sehingga terlihat jelas garis wewenang dan tanggung jawab dalam setiap personal yang bekerja pada perusahaan; Untuk meningkatkan kualitas kerja karyawan, PT. Sinar Oleochemical International Medan mengadakan pendidikan dan pelatihan karyawan, terutama karyawan bagian produksi; Masalah yang dihadapi oleh perusahaan ini di bidang perencanaan dan pengawasan prosuksi adalah masalah beragamnya kebijakan pemerintah dalam menentukan kebijakan yang terkait dengan perusahaan Industri sejenis sehingga mengakibatkan fluktuasi harga bahan baku perusahaan industri tersebut. Production within the company is an activity that is quite important. That production is the company's kitchen, because this is where the company's products are produced or created. If the production activities in an activity stop, the activities within the company will also stop. Likewise, if production activities are hampered, then production activities will be disrupted. From the description above, it is clear that every company that carries out production activities requires the existence of production planning and supervision functions, so that the process of these activities is able to achieve optimal results in accordance with the objectives that have been set. From the results of the analysis and evaluation that the authors have done regarding production planning and supervision at PT. Sinar Oleochemical International Medan, can be summarized as follows: Products produced by the Company PT. Sinar Oleochemical International Medan is fatty acid and glycerine with 15 (fifteen) product variants; The production process at PT. Sinar Oleochemical International Medan covers Splitting, Fatty Acid Fractionation, Glycerine Water Pretreatment, Glycerine Water Evaporation, Glycerine Distillation and Bleaching, Glycerine Ion-Exchange, and Final Evaporation. Production supervision carried out at PT. Ray Oleochemical International Medan includes supervision of production processes, labor, production costs, and supervision of machinery and equipment; PT. Sinar Oleochemical International Medan uses a line organization structure so that the lines of authority and responsibility are clearly visible in every person who works for the company; To improve the quality of employee work, PT. Sinar Oleochemical International Medan provides education and training for employees, especially employees in the production division; The problem faced by this company in the field of production planning and supervision is the problem of various government policies in determining policies related to similar industrial companies, resulting in fluctuations in the price of raw materials for these industrial companies.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjectperencanaan produksien_US
dc.subjectpengawasan produksien_US
dc.subjectsinal oleochemicalen_US
dc.subjectproduction planningen_US
dc.subjectsupervision planningen_US
dc.titlePerencanaan dan Pengawasan Produksi pada PT. Sinar Oleochemical International Medanen_US
dc.title.alternativeProduction Planning and Supervision at PT. Sinar Oleochemical International Medanen_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Management

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