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Title: Rancang Bangun Alat Monitoring Penyiraman Tanaman Otomatis Dengan Nodemcu Berbasis Internet Of Things (IoT)
Other Titles: Design and Build Automatic Plant Watering Monitoring Tool With Internet Of Things (IoT) Based Nodemcu
Authors: Banjarnahor, Dody
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Mungkin, Moranain
Putri, Syarifah Muthia
Keywords: penyiraman tanaman otomatis;nodemcu;IoT;Automatic plant watering
Issue Date: 16-May-2022
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;168120042
Abstract: Pada era modern saat ini, pemanfaatan internet of things (Iot) telah banyak diterapkan diberbagai bidang, hampir dari semua perangkat elektronik sudah tersambung ke internet. Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi, penerapan teknologi ini dibidang pertanaian sangat perlu diperhatikan. Dikarenakan akan kebutuhan akan pemantauan dan perawatan tanaman sangant meningkat. Oleh karena itu, pentingnya perawatan serta pemantauan tanaman agar tanaman dapat mengasilkan kualitas yang baik. Pada penelitian ini dirancang sebuah sistem penyiraman tanaman otomatis yang terhubung ke jaringan internet sehingga para penggunanya dapat memantau tanaman agar terjaga dan menghasilakn kualitas tanaman. Sistem ini dirancang menggunakan mikrokontroler NodeMcu sebagai pusat system dan sebagai pengirim data ke antara sistem ke web server. Pada penelitian ini telah berhasil suatu sistem pemantauan serta penyiraman tanaman otomatis dengan membaca ukuran kelembapan yang ada didalam tanah. Hasilnya adalah sistem ini dpat memberikan kebutuhan air untuk tanaman. Kemudian sistem mengirim informasi kehalaman website yang telah dibangun agar pengguna dapat memonitoring tanamannya kapan pun dan dimanapun. In today's modern era, the use of the internet of things (IoT) has been widely applied in various fields, almost all electronic devices are connected to the internet. Along with the development of technology, the application of this technology in the field of agriculture really needs to be considered. Due to the increasing need for plant monitoring and care. Therefore, the importance of plant care and monitoring so that plants can produce good quality. In this research, an automatic plant watering system is designed that is connected to the internet network so that users can monitor plants so that they are maintained and produce plant quality. This system is designed using a NodeMcu microcontroller as the center of the system and as a data sender between systems and a web server. In this research, a monitoring system and automatic plant watering has been successful by reading the size of the moisture in the soil. The result is this system can provide water needs for plants. Then the system sends information to the website page that has been built so that users can monitor their plants anytime and anywhere.
Description: 87 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Electrical Engineering

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