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Title: Pengaruh Motivasi Kerja dan Reward Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai di Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Medan Timur
Other Titles: The Influence of Work Motivation and Rewards on Employee Performance at the Pratama Tax Service Office, Medan Timur
Authors: Syamsu, Adrian
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Pribadi, Teddy
Keywords: motivasi kerja;reward kerja;kinerja pegawai;work motivation;rewards;employee performance
Issue Date: May-2022
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;208320325
Abstract: Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah: Bagaimana pengaruh motivasi kerja dan reward secara parsial dan bersamaan terhadap kinerja pegawai di Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Medan Timur? Tujuan penelitian : Untuk mengetahui pengaruh motivasi kerja dan reward secara parsial dan secara bersamaan terhadap kinerja pegawai di Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Medan Timur. Hipotesis yang diajukan adalah : Ada pengaruh yang signifikan motivasi kerja dan reward secara parsial dan secara bersama-sama terhadap kinerja pegawai di Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Medan Timur. Penelitian dilakukan di Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Medan Timur Jalan Sukamulia Nomor 17A, Kota Medan, Provinsi Sumatera Utara, kode pos 20152, dengan populasi sebanyak 91 orang, dan sampel penelitian sebanyak 90 orang. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah data primer yang diperoleh dari penyebaran kuisioner, wawancara, dan dokumentasi yang diuji dengan IBM Statistics 24 for Windows. Berdasarkan hasil analisis diperoleh motivasi kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Medan Timur, hal ini didukung analisis t hitung > t-tabel (8,166 > 1,988) pada n = 88 dengan taraf sifgnifikan 95%. Reward berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Medan Timur, hal ini didukung analisis t hitung > t-tabel (3,669 > 1,988) pada n = 88 dengan taraf sifgnifikan 95%. Nilai F-hitung > F tabel (74,847 > 3,10) hal ini menyatakan bahwa secara bersama-sama (multiple) terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan motivasi kerja dan reward terhadap kinerja pegawai Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Medan Timur. Dengan demikian hipotesis yang diajukan diterima kebenarannya. The problems in this research are: How is the effect of work motivation and rewards partially and concurrently on the employee performance at East Medan Primary Tax Office? Research objectives: To determine the effect of work motivation and rewards partially and simultaneously on the employee performance of work in the East Medan Primary Tax Office. The hypothesis proposed is: There is a significant effect of work motivation and reward partially and jointly on the employee performance at East Medan Primary Tax Office. The study was conducted at East Medan Primary Tax Office Sukamulia Street number 17A, Medan, North Sumatera, postal code 20152, with a population of 91 people, and a study sample of 90 people. The data resources used primary data that obtained by distributing questionnaires, interviews, and documentation, which tested by IBM Statistics 24 for Windows. Based on the analysis results obtained work motivation has effect on the performance of employees work of East Medan Primary Tax Office, this is supported by an analysis of t count > -table (8,166 > 1,988) at n = 88 with a significant level of 95%. Reward has a effect on the performance of employees work of East Medan Primary Tax Office, this is supported by an analysis of t count > t table (3,669 > 1,988) at n = 88 with a significant level of 95%. Value of F-count> F table (74,847 > 3,10) This states that together (multiple) there are positive and significant effects of work motivation and reward on the employee performance at East Medan Primary Tax Office. The hypothesis proposed is accepted by the truth.
Description: 117 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Management

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