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Title: Pengaruh Aplikasi Berbagai Jenis Biochar dan Limbah Baglog Jamur Tiram Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Tanaman Padi Beras Merah Pada Pertanaman Karet
Other Titles: Effect of Application of Various Types of Biochar and Oyster Mushroom Baglog Waste on Plant Growth and Production Red Rice in Rubber Planting
Authors: Simanjuntak, Hendra Ranto
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Hutapea, Sumihar
Keywords: biochar;biochar;limbahjamur tiram baglog;baglog oyster mushroom waste;beras merah;red rice
Issue Date: 9-Jan-2021
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;148210076
Abstract: Hendra Ranto Simanjuntak. 14.821 .0076. Pcngarnh Aplikasi Bcrbagai Jeni. Limbah Biochar Dan Baglog Jamur Tiram Tcrlrndap Pcrtumbuhan Dan Produksi Tanaman Padi Merah Pada Pcrtanaman Karct, dibawah bimbingan Dr. Ir. Sumihar Hutapca, MS selaku Ketua dan Ir. Asmah Indrawaty, MP sclaku Anggota Pcnaschat. Penclitian ditakukan di Dcsa Sampali, Kccamatan Pcrcut Sci Tuan, Kabupaten Deli Serdang, Sumatcra Utarn pada bulnn Juni-Oktobcr 2018 . Pcnclitian rncnggmrnkan Rancangan Acak Kclompok (RAK) Faktorial, dcngan 2 (dua) foktor pcrlakuan yaitu: I) F<1ktor biochar dcngan notasi (B) yang tcrdiri dari 4 level yaitu 80 =- tanpa biochar (kontrol ); Bl = biochar serbuk gcrgaji 5 ton I ha (0,5 kg I m2); 82 = tongkol jagung Biochar 5 ton I ha (0,5 kg I m2) ~ 83 = scrbuk gcrgaji biochar 5 ton I ha (0 ,5 kg I m2), dan 2) Faktor kompos untuk baglog jamur tiram dengan notasi (K) terdiri dari 3 taraf, yaitu: KO = tanpa kompos baglog limbah jamur tiram ; K 1 = kompos baglog jamur ti ram 5 ton I ha (0,5 kg I m2)~ K2 = kompos baglog jamur tiram 10 ton I ha (5 kg I m2). Setiap perlal-aian diulang sebanyak 3 (tiga) kali sehingga didapatkan 36 plot percobaan. Parameter yang diamati dalam penelitian ini adalah: Tinggi tanaman (cm), Jumlah anakan (batang), Jumlah malai per sampel tanaman, bobot produksi per sampel (g), bobot produksi per plot (g), bobot 1000 bulir beras (g). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: Pemberian berbagai jenis. Biochar tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi beras merah. Perlakuan perlah.'uan kompos jamur tiram baglog tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap jumlah anakan clan jumlah malai tanaman contoh, berpengamh nyata terhadap tinggi tanaman 6 mst dan bobot I 000 butir pacli, berpengaruh nyata terhadap bobot produksi per tanaman. sampel dan berat produksi per plot. Perlak'llan kombinasi biochar dan kompos limbah baglog jamur tiram tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertumbuhan clan produksi padi merah cli perkebunan karet. T-lcndra Ranto Simanjuntuk 14.821.0076. The Impact Of /\pplaying Various Types Biochnr Waste And Oyster Mushroom Baglog Waste to The Growth and Production Of Red Rice in Rubber Plunlalion. Guided by Dr. Ir. Sumihar Hutapca, MS as the chief of advisor ond Ir. /\smah lndrnwuty, MP as member of advisor. The research was carried out in Dcsa Sampali, Percut Sci Tuan District, Deli Scrdang, North Sumatera in the month of' June -- Octob<.:r 2018. This research was held by using the Factorial Randomized Group Design (RAK) with 2 trcatm<.:nt factors. with two treatment factors which arc: (I) Biochar ractor with notation (B) which consists of 4 levels that arc BO=-= without biochar (Control); BI = 5 tons/ha (0.5 Kg /m2 ) of Sawdust biochar: 132"'· 5 tons/ha of Corncob biochar~ 83= 5 tons/ha(0,5 kg/m2)of jcngkol peel biochar, and 2) Compost factor for Baglog of Oyster Mushroom with (K) Notation consists of three levels namely as follow: KO = without compost Baglog of Oyster Mushroom ~ KI ==Com posh Baglog of Oyster Mushroom with 5 tons/ha ~ K2= Com posh Baglog of Oyster Mushroom with 10 tons/ha . Each trial is repeated three times to get 36 of trial plots. Observed parameters on this research are : plant height (Cm), Amount of Anakan (Stem), amount of panicles per sample, production weight per sample (g), production weight per plot (g), weight of 1.000 grains of rice (g). The result of this research shows that: Applying various types of biochar has no impact on the production and growth of red rice plant, Composh Baglog of Oyster Mushroom trials have no impact on 6 mst plant height and 1,000 grains of rice weight but has impact on production weight per sample and weight per plot. Trial of combination between Biochar and Compost of Oyster Mashroom Baglog waste didn't have a real effect on the growth and the production of Red Rice.
Description: 82 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Agricultural Technology

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