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Title: Analisis Faktor Sosial Ekonomi yang Mempengaruhi Pendapatan Petani Kelapa Sawit di Kecamatan Rantau Selatan Kabupaten Labuhanbatu
Other Titles: Analysis of Socio-Economic Factors Affecting the Income of Oil Palm Farmers in Rantau Selatan District, Labuhanbatu Regency
Authors: Rizal, Khairul
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Kuswardani, Retna Astuti
Effendi, Ihsan
Keywords: kelapa sawit;faktor sosial ekonomi;usaha tani;palm oil;socio-economic factors;farming
Issue Date: 2-Nov-2016
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;131802001
Abstract: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk pertama mengctahui faktor sosial ekonami, kedua besar kontribusi pendapatan, ketiga mengctahui kelayakan usahatani. Penclitian dengan metode proportionated stratified random sampling. Data dianalisis dengan regresi linier berganda dan analisis R/C. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secam simultan faktor sosial ekonomi berpengaruh nyata terhadap pendapatan pada tingkat kepercayaan 95%. Secara parsial jumlah tanaman, biaya pupuk, biaya pestisida, dan biaya angkutan berpengaruh nyata terhadap pendapatan, sedangkan biaya penyusutan, biaya peralatan, luas lahan, tenaga kerja dalam keluarga, tenaga kerja luar keluarga, jumlah tanggungan dalam keluarga,tingkat pendidikan dan harga jual tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap pendapatan.Kontribusi pendapatan petani kelapa sawit terhadap total pendapatan keluarga petani sebesar 78,89 %. Nilai R/C diperoleh sebesar 2,50 yang artinya bahwa usahatani kelapa sawit tersebut layak dilaksanakan secara finansial. This study aims to first find out social and economic factors, secondly the contribution of income, thirdly to find out the feasibility of farming. Research with proportionated stratified random sampling method. Data were analyzed by multiple linear regression and R/C analysis. The results showed that the simultaneous socio-economic factors had a significant effect on income at the 95% confidence level. Partially the number of plants, fertilizer costs, pesticide costs, and transportation costs have a significant effect on income, while depreciation costs, equipment costs, land area, labor in the family, labor outside the family, number of dependents in the family, education level and selling price do not. significant effect on income. The contribution of oil palm farmers' income to the total family income of farmers is 78.89%. The R/C value is 2.50, which means that the oil palm farming is financially feasible.
Description: 69 Halaman
Appears in Collections:MT - Master of Agribusiness

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