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Title: Peranan Sekretaris Camat Dalam Membantu Tugas Camat Pada Bidang Kepegawaian Di Kecamatan Medan Timur
Other Titles: Role Secretary of the Camat in Assisting the Duties of the Camat in the Personnel Sector In the District of East Medan
Authors: Aprilia, Anggi
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Suharyanto, Agung
Anggelia, Nina
Keywords: Peranan;Sekretaris Camat;Bidang Kepegawaian;Role;Sub-District Secretary;Personnel Sector
Issue Date: Aug-2022
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;188520107
Abstract: Peranan Sekretaris Camat dalam Membantu Tugas Camat Pada Bidang Kepegawaian di Kecamatan Medan Timur, dimana Sekretaris Camat mempunyai peran meneruskan tugas, program serta mengatasi permasalah untuk memperlancar pelaksanaan kegiatan pada Bidang Kepegawaian. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Peranan Sekretaris Camat dalam Membantu Tugas Camat Pada Bidang Kepegawaian, dan kendala-kendala yang dihadapi oleh Sekretaris Camat Dalam Membantu Tugas Camat Pada Bidang Kepegawaian Di Kecamatan Medan Timur. Adapun permasalahan, yaitu mengenai keterlambatan koordinasi tugas kepada pegawai, kurangnya inisiatif pegawai, keputusan dominan diambil Camat dan kurangnya inspeksi secara langsung kepada pegawai. Guna mendekati masalah dipergunakan acuan aspek dari Sondang P Siagian (2012), meliputi peranan interpersonal, informasional, pengambilan keputusan dan pengawasan. Data dikumpulkan berdasarkan teknik pengumpulan data dengan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi, dan dianalisis secara kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa Peranan Sekretaris Camat dalam Membantu Tugas Camat Pada Bidang Kepegawaian sudah bisa dikatakan baik dilihat peranan interpersonal dimana adanya arahan dan m otivasi yang diberikan kepada pegawai, lalu peranan informasional dengan m enggunakan komunikasi dua arah baik dalam menyampaikan maupun menerima saran, Selanjutnya peranan pengam bilan keputusan yang dilakukan dengan cara musyawarah, serta peranan pengawasan yang dilakukan secara langsung melalui kehadiran dan supervisi, atau secara tidak langsung melalui absensi online dan e-kinerja. The role of the Sub-District Secretary in Assisting the Sub-District Head Tasks in the Personnel Sector in the District of Medan Timur, where the Sub-District Secretary has the role of continuing tasks, programs and overcoming problems to facilitate the implementation of activities in the Personnel Sector. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of the Sub-District Secretary in Assisting the Sub-District Head Tasks in the Personnel Field, and the obstacles faced by the Sub-District Secretary in Assisting the Sub-District Head Tasks in the Personnel Sector in the District of East Medan. As for the problems, namely regarding delays in coordinating tasks to employees, lack of employee initiative, dominant decisions taken by the Sub-District Head and lack of direct inspections to employees. In order to approach the problem, aspects of Sondang P Siagian (2012) are used, including interpersonal, informational, decision-making and supervisory roles. Data was collected based on data collection techniques with observation, interviews and documentation, and analyzed qualitatively with a descriptive nature. The results showed that the role of the SubDistrict Secretary in Assisting the Sub-District Head Tasks in the Personnel Sector could be said to be good in terms of the interpersonal role where there was direction and motivation given to employees, then the informational role by using two -way communication both in conveying and receiving suggestions. decisions made by way of deliberation, as well as the role of supervision carried out directly through attendance and supervision, or indirectly through online attendance and e-performance
Description: 116 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Public Administration

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