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dc.contributor.advisorLubis, Yurial Arief-
dc.contributor.advisorBatubara, Beby Masitho-
dc.contributor.authorPangaribuan, Silvia-
dc.description81 Halamanen_US
dc.description.abstractPenelitian dilatarbelakangi oleh Peranan Pejabat Sementara (PJS) Kepala Desa Dalam Menjalankan Tugas Pokok Dan Fungsi Di Desa Sitoluama Kecamatan Laguboti Kabupaten Toba, dalam peranan Pejabat Sementara (PJS) belum sepenuhnya terlaksana Perannya sebagai pengganti Kepala desa, hal ini dapat dilihat dari Peranan sebagai hubungan Antar pribadi, Peranan yang berhubungan dengan informasi, Peranan sebagai Pembuat Keputusan adapun yang menjadi faktor penghambat dari permasalahan diantaranya mengenai Rendahnya sumberdaya Manusia, Minimnya fasilitas Kantor Kepala Desa Sitoluama, Kurangnya Bimbingan Aperatur desa Sitoluama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Peranan Pejabat Sementara (PJS) dalam menggantikan Kepala Desa Sitoluama dalam menjalankan Tugas Pokok dan Fungsinya, dan adapun tujuan lainnya ialah mengetahui apa saja faktor Penghambat yang dihadapi Pejabat Sementara (PJS) dalam tugasnya menggantikan Kepala Desa Sitoluama. Penelitian menggunakan Metode penelitian kualitatif pendekatan deskriptif. Sumber Data dikumpulkan berdasarkan teknik pengumpulan data yaitu observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan triangulasi data. Penulis mengambil teori dari Henry Mintzberg. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Penulis maka hasil Skripsi peneliti ialah, sudah cukup membantu dan mampu melaksanakan Tugas dan Fungsinya sebagaimana Tugas yang diberikan Kepada Kepala Desa telah dikerjakan dengan cukup baik, namun belum maksimal menjalankan tugas dan fungsinya sebagai Pejabat Sementar Kepala desa Kedispilinan pada saat jam kerja, kurangnya bersosialisasi kepada masyarakat desa Sitoluama, dan juga kurang maksimal menyelesaikan masalah-masalah yang ada di desa Sitoluama. The research was motivated by the role of the Temporary Official (PJS) of the Village Head in Carrying out the Main Duties and Functions in Sitoluama Village, Laguboti District, Toba Regency, in the role of the Temporary Official (PJS) the role of the village head was not fully implemented, this can be seen from the role of interpersonal relationships , Roles related to information, Roles as Decision Makers as for the inhibiting factors of the problems including the low human resources, the lack of facilities for the Sitoluama village head office, the lack of guidance from the Sitoluama village officials This study aims to determine the role of Temporary Officials (PJS) in replacing the Sitoluama Village Head in carrying out their Main Duties and Functions, and another objective is to find out what are the inhibiting factors faced by Temporary Officials (PJS) in their duties to replace the Sitoluama Village Head. The study used a descriptive qualitative research method. Sources The data were collected based on data collection techniques, namely observation, interviews, documentation and data triangulation. The author takes the theory from Henry Mintzberg. Based on the results of research conducted by the author on the Role of Temporary Officials (PJS) of the Sitoluama Village Head in carrying out their main duties and functions, the Role of Temporary Officials (PJS) in Sitoluama Village has been quite helpful and able to carry out their duties and functions as the tasks given to the Village Head have been done. quite well, but not yet maximally carrying out his duties and functions as a Temporary Official for the Village Head of Discipline during working hours, lack of socializing to the people of Sitoluama village, and also less than optimal in solving problems that exist in Sitoluama village.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjectpejabat sementara (pjs)en_US
dc.subjecttemporary officialen_US
dc.titlePeranan Pejabat Sementara (PJS) Kepala Desa dalam Menjalankan Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi di Desa Sitoluama Kecamatan Laguboti Kabupaten Tobaen_US
dc.title.alternativeThe Role of the Temporary Official (Pjs) of the Village Head in Carrying out the Main Duties and Functions in Sitoluama Village, Laguboti District, Toba Regencyen_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Public Administration

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