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dc.contributor.advisorWahyuni, Nini Sri-
dc.contributor.authorCaniago, Lily Rahmadani-
dc.description103 Halamanen_US
dc.description.abstractPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat seberapa besar Hubungan Antara Pola Asuh Otoriter dengan Perilaku Bullying Pada Siswa SMK Swasta Kristen Harapan Sejahtera Nias. Penelitian dengan tipe kwantitatif korelasional dengan jumlah sampel 63 Orang. penelitian ini diukur dengan skala likert. Skala pola asuh otoriter yang disusun berdasarkan ciri-ciri pola asuh otoriter menurut Baumrind, (Santrock 2004). yaitu: Orang tua menekankan segala aturan orang tua harus ditaati oleh anak, Orang tua bertindak semena-mena tanpa dapat dikontrol oleh anak, Anak harus menurut dan tidak boleh membantah terhadap apa yang diperintahkan oleh orang tua. Skala perilaku bullying diungkap berdasarkan ciri-ciri perilaku bullying menurut Astuti (2008) biasanya agresif baik secara verbal maupun fisikal, ingin popular, sering membuat onar, mencari-cari kesalahan orang lain, pendendam, iri hati, hidup berkelompok dan menguasai kehidupan sosial di sekolahnya. Berdasarkan hasil analisis korelasi r Product Moment, diketahui bahwa ada hubungan positif antara pola asuh otoriter perilaku bullying, dimana rxy = 0,449dengan signifikan p = 0.000 < 0,050. Artinya hipotesis yang diajukan diterima. Koefisien determinan (r2) dari hubungan antara variabel bebas X dengan variabel terikat Y adalah sebesar r2 = 0,201 Ini menunjukkan bahwa pola asuh otoriter berkontribusi terhadap perilaku bullying sebesar 20,1%. Berdasarkan hasil analisis diatas dapat dilihat bahwa pola asuh otoriter tergolong tinggi dengan nilai hipotetik sebesar 57,5 dan nilai empiric sebesar 65,73 selanjutnya untuk perilaku bullying tergolong tinggi dengan nilai rata-rata hipotetik 105 dan nilai rata-rata empiric sebesar 118,68. This study aims to see how big is the correlation between authoritarian parenting and bullying behavior in Harapan Sejahtera Christian Private Vocational High School students in Nias. Research with quantitative correlational type with a sample of 63 people. This study was measured by a Likert scale. The authoritarian parenting scale is based on the characteristics of authoritarian parenting according to Baumrind, (Santrock 2004). that is:Parents emphasize that all parental rules must be obeyed by children, parents act arbitrarily without being controlled by children, children must obey and must not argue against what is ordered by parents. Bullying behavior scale is revealed based on the characteristics of bullying behavior According to Astuti (2008), they are usually aggressive both verbally and physically, want to be popular, often make trouble, find fault with others, are vindictive, envious, live in groups and dominate social life at school. Based on the results of the correlation analysis r Product Moment, it is known that there is a positive relationship between the authoritarian parenting behavior of bullying, where rxy = 0.449 with a significant p = 0.000 <0.050. This means that the proposed hypothesis is accepted. The determinant coefficient (r2) of the relationship between the independent variable X and the dependent variable Y is r2 = 0.201. This indicates that authoritarian parenting contributes to bullying behavior by 20.1%. Based on the results of the above analysis, it can be seen that the authoritarian parenting pattern is high with a hypothetical value of 57.5 and an empirical value of 65.73. Furthermore, bullying behavior is classified as high with a hypothetical average value of 105 and an empirical average value of 118.68.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjectpola asuh otoriteren_US
dc.subjectperilaku bullyingen_US
dc.subjectauthoritarian parentingen_US
dc.subjectbullying behavioren_US
dc.titleHubungan Antara Pola Asuh Otoriter dengan Perilaku Bullying pada Siswa SMK Swasta Kristen Harapan Sejahtera Niasen_US
dc.title.alternativeThe Correlation Between Authoritarian Parenting and Bullying Behavior in Harapan Sejahtera Christian Vocational High School Students in Niasen_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Psychology

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