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Title: Transparansi Pengelolaan Dana Desa untuk Mendukung Pelaksanaan PPKM Mikro Pencegahan Wabah Covid-19 (Studi Kasus Desa Siantar Ca Kecamatan Sosorgadong Kabupaten Tapanuli Tengah)
Other Titles: Transparency in Village Fund Management to Support the Implementation of Micro PPKM for Prevention of Covid-19 Outbreaks (Case Study of Siantar Ca Village, Sosorgadong District, Central Tapanuli Regency)
Authors: Saruksuk, Rosalina Merawati
Keywords: transparansi;pengelolaan;dana desa;transparency;management;village fund
Issue Date: Sep-2022
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;188520078
Abstract: Dalam proses pencairan dan pendataan bantuan langsung tunai (BLT) dana desa belum direalisasikan kepada masyarakat yang benar-benar terdampak covid-19, adanya keluhan masyarakat desa yang tidak menerima bantuan langsung tunai (BLT), adanya pemalsuan data verifikasi/validasi penerimaan bantuan langsung tunai (BLT) karena ditemukan ketidaksesuaian data NIK dengan nama, dan bantuan langsung tunai (BLT) lebih banyak diberikan kepada kerabat atau keluarga kepala desa dan perangkat desa. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah Untuk mengetahui transparansi pengelolaan dana desa digunakan untuk mendukung pelaksanaan PPKM Mikro pencegahan wabah Covid-19 dan Untuk mengetahui faktor penghambat dalam pengelolaan dana desa untuk mendukung pelaksanaan PPKM Mikro pencegahan wabah Covid-19. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi dan triangulasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa transparansi pengelolaan dana desa untuk mendukung pelaksanaan PPKM Mikro pencegahan wabah covid-19 studi kasus desa Siantar CA Kecamatan Sosorgadong Kabupaten Tapanuli Tengah belum transparan (terbuka) kepada masyarakat mengenai keuangan dana desa yang diterima. Sehingga masyarakat desa Siantar CA Kecamatan Sosorgadong tidak mengetahui anggaran dana yang diterima pemerintah desa. Peneliti juga menemukan hambatan yang terjadi dalam pengelolaan dana desa untuk mendukung pelaksanaan PPKM Mikro pencegahan wabah covid-19 yaitu kondisi infrastruktur yang kurang memadai dan minimnya pemahaman masyarakat desa Siantar CA mengenai dana desa. In the process of disbursing and collecting data on direct cash assistance from village funds, it has not been realized for people who are really affected by the corona virus-19, the existence of falsification of data on verification/validation of receipt of direct cash assistance because it was found that there was discrepancy between the NIK data and the name, and there are complaints from villages who do not receive direct cash assistance is given to relatives or families of the village head and village officials. The purpose of this study was to determine the transparency of village fund management used to support the implementation of micro PPKM to prevent the corona virus19 and to find out the inhibiting factors in managing village funds to support the implementation of micro PPKM to prevent the corona virus19 outbreak. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. Data collection techniquesin this study use interview, observation, documentation and triagulation techniques. The results of this study indicate that the Transparency In The Management Of Village Funds To Support The Implementation Of Micro Ppkm To Preventthe Corona Virus 19 Outbreak (In Siantar CA Sosorgadong District Central Tapanuli Tengah) has not been transparent to he public regarding the finances of village funds received. So that the people og Siantar CA do not know the funds received by the village government. The study also found obstacles that occurred in the management of village funds to supprort the implemenntation od mikro PPKM to prevent the covid-19 ootbreak, namely inadequate infrastructure conditions and the lack of understanding of the Siantar CA village community regarding village funds.
Description: 86 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Public Administration

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