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dc.contributor.authorYani, Dela-
dc.description79 Halamanen_US
dc.description.abstractdalam proses penukaran voucer sembako terdapat permasalahan yang terjadi seperti gangguan signal dan penyediaan E-warong hanya 1 unit, Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor penghambat penyaluran Bpnt di desa Hessa Air Genting Kecamatan Air Batu. Teori yang digunakan ialah implementasi G.Edward III, teori tersebut memiliki empat faktor yaitu Komunikasi, Sumber Daya, Disposisi, dan Struktur Birokrasi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah metode kualitatif dengan teknik dan pengumpulan data yang dilakukan dengan cara observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Kesimpulan penelitian ini menunjukan kebijakan berjalan dengan baik hal tersebut dilihat dari: komunikasi yang dilakukan kepada KPM melalui sosialisasi sudah berjalan dengan baik, sumber daya pendamping sudah melakukan pendampingan dengan baik dan dukungan atau disposisi yang dilakukaan pemerintah dengan memberi informasi terkait BPNT sudah berjalan. Penyaluaran Bantuan Pangan Non Tunai di Desa Hessa Air Genting sudah terlaksana dengan melihat 6T, tepat jumlah, tepat harga, tepat kualitas, tepat sasaran dan tepat waktu. Namun belum sepenuhnya maksimal, dikarenakan tidak tepat waktu dana masuk. dan terjadi gangguan signal pada mesin EDC, terjadinya antrian karena hanya 1 unit E-warong di desa Hessa Air Genting. The Non-Cash Food Assistance Program, the community will receive money transferred from the government to an account through a bank, then the community will exchange the money at E-warong to get basic necessities, in the process there are problems that occur such as signal disturbances. The purpose of this study was to determine the inhibiting factors for the distribution of Bpnt in Hessa Air Genting Village, Air Batu District. The theory used is G.Edward III, the theory has four factors, namely Communication, Resources, Disposition, and Bureaucratic Structure. The research method used is a qualitative method with techniques and data collection carried out by observation, interviews and documentation. The conclusion of this study shows that the policy is going well, it can be seen from: communication made to KPM through socialization has gone well, companion resources have provided good assistance and support or disposition carried out by the government by providing information related to BPNT has been running. The distribution of Non-Cash Food Aid in Hessa Air Genting Village has been carried out by looking at 6T, right quantity, right price, right quality, right on target and on time. However, it has not been fully maximized, because the funds did not arrive on time. and there was a signal disturbance on the EDC machine, there was a queue because there was only 1 unit of E-warong in Hessa Air Genting village.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.titleImplementasi Program Sembako Di Desa Hessa Air Genting Kecamatan Air Batu Kabupaten Asahanen_US
dc.title.alternativeImplementation of the Staple Food Program in Hessa Village Air Genting, Air Batu District Ashan Districten_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Public Administration

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