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dc.contributor.authorSurbakti, Niko Jefen-
dc.description79 Halamanen_US
dc.description.abstractPerubahan temperatur yang cukup tinggi, disebabkan peristiwakebakaran, akan berpengaruh terhadap elemen-elemen struktur beton. Pada proses tersebut akanterjadi suatu siklus pemanasan dan pendinginan yang bergantian, yang akan menyebabkanadanya perubahan fisik dan kimiawi secara kompleks. Hal sangat mempengaruhikualitas/kekuatan struktur beton itu sendiri untuk mendapatkan perubahan nilai kuat tekan maka di lakukan penelitian dengan metode yang dipakai SNI 03-2847-2002 sempel beton yang digunakan memiliki mutu K-250 dan akan di uji kuat tekan nya pada saat umur beton 28 hari. Benda uji dibuat 8 buah 4 yang di bakar dan 4 yang tidak di bakar lalu di lakukan pengamatan pada sempel beton untuk mengetahui perubahan fisik beton kemudian dilakukan pengujian kuat tekan beton untuk medapatkan perbandingan nilai kuat tekan beton normal dengan beton pasca bakar. Nilai kuat tekan beton mutu K250 pada sempel beton yang tidak di bakar yaitu rata-rata 20. 75 Mpa sesuai dengan nilai kuat tekan beton mutu K250 SNI SNI 03-2847-2002. Berbeda dengan beton yang telah di bakar jika di bandingkan dengan nilai kuat tekan beton K250 SNI SNI 03-2847-2002 mengalami penurunan 7,4%.Hasil kuat tekan dari sempel beton K250 yang di kabakar dengan suhu 375 oC durasi 3 jam 14,28 Mpa dan 14,10 Mpa setelah suhu api naik menjadi 456 oC dengan durasi waktu yang sama yaitu 3 jam hasil kuat tekan menurun menjadi 13,48 Mpa dan 13,22 Mpa ada penurunan nilai kuat tekan sebanyak kurang lebih 1,3 %. Changes in temperature that are quite high, due to fire events, will affect the elements of the concrete structure. In this process there will be an alternating heating and cooling cycle, which will cause complex physical and chemical changes. This greatly affects the quality/strength of the concrete structure itself. To get a change in the value of the compressive strength, a research was carried out with the method used SNI 03-2847-2002. The concrete sample used had a quality of K-250 and the compressive strength was tested at the age of 28. day. The test objects were made of 8 pieces of 4 that were burned and 4 that were not burned and then observations were made on the concrete samples to determine the physical changes of the concrete and then tested the compressive strength of the concrete to get a comparison of the compressive strength of normal concrete with post-burned concrete. The value of the compressive strength of K250 quality concrete in unburned concrete samples is an average of 20.75 Mpa in accordance with the value of the compressive strength of K250 quality concrete SNI SNI 03-2847-2002. In contrast to concrete that has been burned, when compared with the compressive strength of K250 SNI SNI 03-2847-2002, it has decreased by 7.4%. The compressive strength of the K250 concrete sample burned at a temperature of 375 oC for a duration of 3 hours 14.28 Mpa and 14.10 Mpa after the fire temperature increased to 456 oC with the same duration of 3 hours the compressive strength decreased to 13.48 Mpa and 13.22 Mpa Keywords: Concrete, Post Burned Concrete, compressive strength of concrete there was a decrease in the compressive strength value of approximately 1.3%en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjectpost burned concreteen_US
dc.subjectcompressive strength of concreteen_US
dc.subjectbeton pasca bayaren_US
dc.subjectkuat tekan betonen_US
dc.titleAnalisis Kuat Tekan Beton Pasca Bakar Terhadap Kuat Tekan Karakteristik Betonen_US
dc.title.alternativeAnalysis of the Compressive Strength of Post-Combustion Concrete Against the Compressive Strength of Concrete Characteristicsen_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Civil Engineering

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