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Title: | Implementasi Keputusan Gubernur Sumatera Utara Nomor 188.44/369/Kpts/2020 Tentang Penggunaan Belanja Tidak Terduga Untuk Percepatan Penanganan Darurat Bencana Wabah Virus Corona (Covid-19) Pada Dinas Perindustrian Dan Perdagangan Provinsi Sumatera Utara |
Other Titles: | Implementation of Governor of North Sumatra Decree No 188.44/369/Kpts/2020 Concerning Use of Unexpected Expenditure For Acceleration of Corona Virus Outbreak Emergency Management (Covid-19) at the Industry and Trade Service North Sumatra Province |
Authors: | Anshary, Muhammad |
Keywords: | plicy implementation;government assistance;small micro enterprises;covid 19 pandemic;implementasi kebijakan;bantuan pemerintah;industri rumah tangga;usaha mikro kecil;pandemi covid 19 |
Issue Date: | 25-Jul-2022 |
Publisher: | Universitas Medan Area |
Series/Report no.: | NPM;201801020 |
Abstract: | Pandemi virus Covid-19 yang telah berdampak pada tatanan ekonomi nasional khususnya pada sektor ekonomi bisnis Indonesia yang didominasi oleh UMKM yang rentan dapat tetap bertahan ditengah masa pandemi. Hal ini tentunya menjadi tanggung jawab pemerintah melakukan pemulihan ekonomi nasional. Kebijakan pemulihan ekonomi nasional khususnya di Sumatera Utara telah dilaksanakan melalui kebijakan Gubernur Sumatera Utara mengenai dana bantuan tidak terduga untuk penanganan dampak dari pandemi covid-19 ini, kemudian amanat gubernur tersebut di implementasikan oleh Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Provinsi Sumatera Utara melalui program pemberian bantuan stimulus ekonomi produktif berupa bantuan peralatan kepada UMK dan IRT di wilayah Sumatera Utara dengan menerbitkan SK. Kepala Dinas Perindag Sumut tentang Tim Teknis yang ditugaskan untuk melaksanakan kebijakan pemberian bantuan tersebut. Pemberian bantuan stimulus ekonomi berupa bantuan peralatan seperti mesin jahit, freezer box, mesin kompresor, mesin penggiling, oven, stelling kaca, kompor gas, blender, mixer dan lain-lain kepada UMK/IRT di Kab/Kota Sumut. Kebijakan pemberian bantuan stimulus ekonomi ini merupakan kebijakan yang baru dilaksanakan oleh Dinas Perindag Sumut yang telah diberikan kewenangan untuk dapat mengelola teknis pelaksanaan pemberian bantuan peralatan kepada UMK dan IRT ini. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif yang dilakukan dengan cara mencari informasi pada lokasi penelitian serta menganalisis implementasi kebijakan keputusan Gubernur Sumatera Utara yang di implementasikan Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Provinsi Sumatera Utara (Studi Pada Kota Medan) dengan menarasikan data yang diperoleh dengan membandingkan regulasi dan teori dalam proses analisisnya. Sedangkan untuk Metode pengumpulan data penelitian dilakukan dengan cara wawancara, observasi lokasi penelitian, dan melakukan pengumpulan data secara tertulis. Mengacu pada teori implementasi kebijakan oleh Edward-III yang digunakan sebagai acuan analisis penelitian, Faktor Disposisi merupakan faktor pendukung implementasi kebijakan dengan adanya persamaan komitmen antara kepala dinas dengan tim teknis yang didukung insentif bagi tim teknis. Sedangkan faktor penghambat implementasi adalah SDM pada tim teknis pelaksana kegiatan yang kurang berkompeten, dan adanya inkonsistensi informasi yang disampaikan kepada objek penelitian, belum tersedianya SOP teknis yang mengatur secara detail prosedur pelaksanaan kegiatan, kemudian terdapatnya 2 struktur bidang yang tergabung dalam tim teknis pelaksana kegiatan. Mengacu pada beberapa permasalahan tersebut Peneliti memberikan saran agar kedepannya membentuk tim teknis menjadi 2 tim yaitu bidang industri dan bidang perdagangan, melakukan rekrutmen tim teknis yang berkompeten sesuai dengan kebutuhan teknis pendukung pada setiap proses kegiatan, membentuk saluran informasi terpadu (helpdesk-center, flyer, brosur) yang memuat informasi yang valid dan jelas. Ketiadaan SOP segera dapat diatasi dengan menggunakan bantuan Biro Jasa Konsultan. The Covid-19 virus pandemic, which has had an impact on the national economic order, especially in the Indonesian business economic sector, which is dominated by vulnerable UMKM, was able to survive in the midst of the pandemic. This is of course the responsibility of the government to restore the national economy. The national economic recovery policy, especially in North Sumatra, has been implemented through the policy of the Governor of North Sumatra regarding unexpected aid funds for handling the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, then the governor's mandate was implemented by the Department Industry and Trade of North Sumatra Province through a program of providing economic stimulus assistance. productive in the form of equipment assistance to MSEs and IRT in the North Sumatra region by issuing SK.The Head of the Department Industry and Trade regarding the Technical Team assigned to implement the policy of providing such assistance. Provision of economic stimulus assistance in the form of equipment assistance such as sewing machines, freezer boxes, compressor machines, grinding machines, ovens, glass stelling, gas stoves, blenders, mixers and others to UMK/IRT in the District/City of North Sumatra. This policy of providing economic stimulus assistance is a new policy implemented by the North Sumatra Industry and Trade Office which has been given the authority to manage the technical implementation of providing equipment assistance to UMK and IRT. The method used in this research is a descriptive qualitative research method which is carried out by seeking information at the research location and analyzing the implementation of the policy decisions of the Governor of North Sumatra which are implemented by the Department Industry and Trade of North Sumatra Province (Study in Medan City) by narrating the data obtained by comparing regulation and theory in the process of analysis. Meanwhile, the research data collection method was carried out by interviewing, observing the research location, and collecting written data. Referring to the theory of policy implementation by Edward-III which is used as a reference for research analysis, the Disposition Factor is a supporting factor for policy implementation with the existence of an equal commitment between the head of service and the technical team supported by incentives for the technical team. While the inhibiting factors for implementation are the incompetent human resources on the technical team implementing the activities, and the inconsistency of information conveyed to the research object, the unavailability of technical SOPs that regulate in detail the procedures for implementing activities, then there are 2 field structures that are incorporated in the technical team implementing the activities. Referring to these problems, the researcher advises that in the future form a technical team into 2 teams, namely industry and trade, recruit competent technical teams in accordance with technical support needs in each activity process, form integrated information channels (helpdesk-center, flyers, brochures). ) which contains valid and clear information. The absence of SOPs can be immediately resolved by using the assistance of the Consultant Services Bureau. |
Description: | 235 Halaman |
URI: | |
Appears in Collections: | MT - Master of Public Administration |
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201801020 - Muhammad Anshary - Chapter IV.pdf Restricted Access | Chapter IV | 461.63 kB | Adobe PDF | View/Open Request a copy |
201801020 - Muhammad Anshary - Fulltext.pdf | Cover, Abstract, Chapter I, II, III, V, Bibliography | 3.96 MB | Adobe PDF | View/Open |
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