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Title: Pengaruh Locus of Control dan Kecerdasan Spiritual terhadap Resiliensi Siswa MAN Langsa.
Other Titles: The Influence of Locus of Control and Spiritual Intelligence on the Resilience of MAN Langsa
Authors: Balqis, Putri
Keywords: resiliensi;locus of control;kecerdasan spiritual;resilience;locus of control;spiritual intelligence
Issue Date: Jul-2022
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;191804061
Abstract: Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh locus of control dan kecerdasan spiritual terhadap resiliensi. Populasi sebanyak 205 siswa dengan 8 kelas dan sampel berjumlah 92 dengan teknik random sampling. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Adanya pengaruh antara locus of control terhadap resiliensi, terdapat pengaruh antara locus of control terhadap resiliensi, dimana diperoleh koefisien korelasi tx1y = 2.435 dengan p = 0.017 berarti p<0.05. Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan locus of control ada pengaruh signifikan positif antara locus of control terhadap resiliensi, dimana koefisien tx1y = 2.435 dengan p = 0.017, hal ini berarti semakin baik locus of control maka semakin baik resiliensi. Koefisien r kuadrat locus of control dengan variabel terikat resiliensi adalah sebesar r2 = 0,094. Ini menunjukkan bahwa resiliensi dibentuk oleh locus of control dengan konstribusi sebesar 9.40%. Pada variabel kecerdasan spiritual terhadap resiliensi juga terdapat pengaruh signifikan positif antara Kecerdasan spiritual terhadap resiliensi, dimana koefisien tx2y = 3.840 dengan p = 0.000, hal ini berarti semakin baik kecerdasan spiritual maka semakin maka baik resiliensi. Koefisien r kuadrat kecerdasan spiritual dengan variabel terikat resiliensi adalah sebesar r2 = 0.179 Ini menunjukkan bahwa resiliensi dibentuk oleh kecerdasan spiritual dengan konstribusi sebesar 17.90%. Hasil serupa datang dari interaction effect terdapat pengaruh signifikan antara locus of control, kecerdasan spiritual terhadap resiliensi, dimana koefisien F = 16.738; dengan p = 0.000 berarti p < 0,050. Koefisien determinan (r2) dari pengaruh antara prediktor locus of control, kecerdasan spiritual dengan variabel terikat resiliensi adalah sebesar r2 = 0.273. Ini menunjukkan bahwa resiliensi dibentuk oleh locus of control dan kecerdasan spiritual secara bersama-sama dengan konstribusi sebesar 27.30%. This research method uses quantitative methods. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of locus of control and spiritual intelligence on resilience. The population is 205 students with 8 classes and the sample is 92 with random sampling technique. The results of this study indicate that there is an influence between locus of control and resilience, there is an influence between locus of control and resilience, where the correlation coefficient tx1y = 2.435 with p = 0.017 means p <0.05. The results of this study prove that locus of control has a significant positive effect between locus of control and resilience, where the coefficient tx1y = 2.435 with p = 0.017, this means that the better the locus of control, the better resilience. The coefficient of r squared locus of control with the dependent variable of resilience is r2 = 0.094. This shows that resilience is formed by the locus of control with a contribution of 9.40%. In the spiritual intelligence variable with resilience there is also a significant positive effect between spiritual intelligence and resilience, where the coefficient tx2y = 3.840 with p = 0.000, this means that the better the spiritual intelligence, the better the resilience. The rsquared coefficient of spiritual intelligence with the dependent variable of resilience is r2 = 0.179. This indicates that resilience is formed by spiritual intelligence with a contribution of 17.90%. Similar results come from the interaction effect, there is a significant effect between locus of control, spiritual intelligence and resilience, where the coefficient F = 16,738; with p = 0.000 means p < 0.050. The determinant coefficient (r2) of the influence between predictors of locus of control, spiritual intelligence with the dependent variable resilience is r2 = 0.273. This shows that resilience is formed by locus of control and spiritual intelligence together with a contribution of 27.30%.
Description: 149 Halaman
Appears in Collections:MT - Master of Psychology

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