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Title: Tata Niaga Biji Kopi Arabika di Desa Parmonangan Kecamatan Pangururan Kabupaten Samosir
Other Titles: Arabica Coffee Bean Trading System in Parmonangan Village, Pangururan District, Samosir Regency
Authors: Simbolon, Junardi
Keywords: tata niaga;biji kopi arabika;petani kopi arabika;pedagang pengupul;pedagang besar;trade system;arabica coffee beans;arabica coffee farmers;collectors;wholesalers
Issue Date: 30-Sep-2022
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;168220094
Abstract: Kopi arabika adalah komoditi utama di Desa Parmonangan. Keterikatan petani dengan pedagang perantara dan sulitnya akses ke tempat penjualan kopi arabika(pasar Pangururan) penyebab rendahnya harga jual biji kopi arabika. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui tataniaga, efisiensi dan margin pemasaran biji kopi arabika di Desa Parmonangan kecamatan Pangururan kabupaten Samosir. Penentuan lokasi penelitian dilakukan secara sengaja karena daerah tersebut merupakan salah satu desa penghasil biji kopi arabika terbesar dengan produktifitas 1 ton/ha di kecamatan Pangururan kabupaten Samosir. Metode pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik simple random sampling dimana jumlah populasi petani kopi arabika sebanyak 200 orang dan 2 pedagang perantara, diambil 20 % untuk dijadikan sampel maka sampel pada penelitian ini adalah 40 petani kopi arabika dan 2 pedagang perantara jadi total sampel adalah 42 orang. Data dikumpulkan dengan tehnik kuisioner, wawancara, dokumentasi. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh yaitu Saluran tataniaga biji kopi arabika di Desa Parmonangan terdiri atas dua saluran. Saluran I terdiri dari produsen⟶pedagang besar. Saluran II terdiri dari produsen⟶pedagang pengumpul⟶pedagang besar. Margin tataniaga kopi arabika pada saluran I sebesar Rp 13.961/kg dan pada saluran II sebesar Rp 10.961/kg. Arabica coffee is the main commodity in Parmonangan Village. The attachment of farmers to intermediary traders and the difficulty of access to places where Arabica coffee is sold (Pangururan market) is the cause of the low selling price of Arabica coffee beans. The aim of the study was to determine the marketing system, efficiency and marketing margins of Arabica coffee beans in Parmonangan Village, Pangururan District, Samosir Regency. The determination of the research location was carried out deliberately because the area is one of the largest Arabica coffee bean producing villages with a productivity of 1 ton/ha in Pangururan sub-district, Samosir regency. The sampling method was carried out using simple random sampling technique where the total population of Arabica coffee farmers was 200 people and 2 intermediary traders, 20% were taken as samples, the sample in this study were 40 Arabica coffee farmers and 2 intermediary traders so the total sample was 42 people. Data collected by questionnaire techniques, interviews, documentation. Data were analyzed descriptively qualitatively and quantitatively. The research results obtained were that the trading system for Arabica coffee beans in Parmonangan Village consisted of two channels. Channel I consists of producers⟶wholesalers. Channel II consists of producers⟶collectors⟶wholesalers. Arabica coffee trading margin on channel I is Rp 13,961/kg and on channel II is Rp 10,961/kg.
Description: 70 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Agribusiness

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