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dc.contributor.advisorNurtjahja, Kiki-
dc.contributor.advisorFauziah, Ida-
dc.contributor.authorSitumorang, Uli M.-
dc.description41 Halamanen_US
dc.description.abstractPenelitian tentang kemampuan Rhizopus sp. dalam mendegradasi sampah organik di Rumah Kompos dan Bank Sampah Induk Sicanang yang dilakukan dari bulan Mei hingga Juli 2022. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh Rhizopus sp. terhadap berat kompos yang dihasilkan sampah organik rumah tangga. Metode pada pengomposan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode eksperimental. Sampah organik yang digunakan sebanyak 200 Kg, dimasukkan ke dalam keranjang dengan masing-masing beratnya 20 Kg. Setiap keranjang diberi perlakuan yaitu perlakuan satu (I)/ kontrol sampah tanpa ragi tempe, perlakuan dua (II)/ suspensi Rhizopus sp. sebanyak 150 ml, perlakuan tiga (III)/ suspensi Rhizopus sp. sebanyak 200 ml, perlakuan (IV)/ suspensi Rhizopus sp. sebanyak 300 ml dan perlakuan lima (V)/ suspensi Rhizopus sp. sebanyak 300 ml. Pada setiap perlakuan yang diteliti dilakukan dalam 2 kali ulangan. Penelitian ini menunjukkan Rhizopus sp. tidak berbeda nyata berat kompos yang dihasilkan. Research on the ability of Rhizopus sp. in degrading organic waste at the Sicanang Compost House and Waste Bank from May to July 2022. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of Rhizopus sp. on the weight of compost produced by household organic waste. The method of composting used in this study is the experimental method. 200 kg of organic waste is used, put in baskets with a weight of 20 kg each. Each basket was given treatment, namely treatment one (I)/ control of waste without tempeh yeast, treatment two (II)/ suspension of Rhizopus sp. as much as 150 ml, treatment of three (III)/ suspension of Rhizopus sp. as much as 200 ml, treatment (IV)/ suspension of Rhizopus sp. 300 ml and treatment of five (V)/ suspension of Rhizopus sp. as much as 300 ml. Each treatment studied was carried out in 2 repetitions. This research shows Rhizopus sp. no significant difference in the weight of the compost produced.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjectrhizopus spen_US
dc.subjectsampah organiken_US
dc.subjectrhizopus spen_US
dc.subjectorganic wasteen_US
dc.titlePengaruh Rhizopus Sp. terhadap Berat Kompos Sampah Organik yang Didekomposisi di Rumah Kompos dan Bank Sampah Induk Sicanang Belawanen_US
dc.title.alternativeEffect of Rhizopus Sp. on the Weight of Decomposed Organic Waste Compost in the Sicanang Belawan Compost House and the Main Waste Banken_US
dc.typeSkripsi Sarjanaen_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Biology

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