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dc.contributor.advisorDwiana, Ressi-
dc.contributor.advisorSuharyanto, Agung-
dc.contributor.authorSimbolon, Fransiskus Try Boy Gabe Pranata-
dc.description72 Halamanen_US
dc.description.abstractPenelitian ini berjudul Pemaknaan Ulos di Media Sosial (Analisis Semiotika Makna Pesan Moral di Dalam Motif Kain Ulos Batak di Facebook). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana Ulos digambarkan, bagaimana pesan moral di dalam motif kain Ulos digambarkan di Facebook, dan mengetahui bagaimana perubahan makna pesan moral di dalam motif kain Ulos di media sosial khususnya di grup Facebook Sejarah Batak. Teori yang digunakan di dalam penelitian ini adalah teori semiotika model Charles Sanders Peirce melalui model triadic dan konsep trikotomi, yaitu: Representamen, Interpretant dan Object. Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah anggota grup Facebook Sejarah Batak dan Tokoh Adat Batak. Untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai gambaran Ulos di Facebook, peneliti melakukan observasi dan wawancara melalui media sosial dan interaksi langsung kepada Tokoh Adat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa gambaran Ulos di Facebook adalah sebagai simbol dan ciri khas adat Batak yang bermakna sebagai Doa, pengharapan dan simbol kehidupan. Perubahaan makna pada Ulos dimaknai sebagai hal mistis dan dipergunakan sembarangan Ulos dalam melaksanakan acara tertentu. Karakteristik Ulos adalah kain tenun yang memiliki warna yang beragam dan memiliki motif yang identik dengan Batak. Setiap jenis Ulos digunakan sesuai dengan fungsi dari masing masing Ulos tersebut agar dapat diketahui dan dilestarikan sebagai warisan budaya yang memiliki keunikan sendiri. This research is entitled The Meaning of Ulos in Social Media (Semiotic Analysis of the Meaning of Moral Messages in Ulos Batak Fabric Motifs on Facebook). This study aims to find out how Ulos is depicted, how the moral message in the Ulos cloth motif is depicted on Facebook and to find out how the meaning of the moral message changes in the Ulos cloth motif on social media, especially in the Batak History Facebook group. The theory used in this research is the semiotic theory of Charles Sanders Peirce's model through the triadic model and the trichotomy concept, namely: Representamen, Interpretant and Object. Informants in this study were members of the Batak History Facebook group and traditional Batak leaders. To get information about the picture of Ulos on Facebook, researchers conducted observations and interviews through social media and direct interaction with traditional leaders. The results showed that the picture of Ulos on Facebook is a symbol and characteristic of Batak customs which means prayer, hope and a symbol of life. Changes in the meaning of Ulos are interpreted as mystical things and are used carelessly by Ulos in carrying out certain events. The characteristics of Ulos are woven fabrics that have various colors and have motifs that are identical to Batak. Each type of Ulos is used according to the function of each ulos so that it can be known and preserved as a cultural heritage that has its own uniqueness.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.titlePemaknaan Ulos Di Media Sosial (Analisis Semiotika Makna Pesan Moral di Dalam Motif Kain Ulos Batak di Facebook)en_US
dc.title.alternativeThe Meaning of Ulos on Social Media (Semiotics Analysis of the Meaning of Moral Messages in Ulos Batak Fabric Motifs on Facebook)en_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Communication Science

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