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Title: Pembuatan Prototipe Pengganti Tulang Panggul Patah pada Manusia Menggunakan Teknologi 3D Printer
Other Titles: Making Prototypes to Replace Broken Hips in Humans Using 3D Printer Technology
Authors: Barus, Andrian Putra
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Siregar, Rahmad Arif
Keywords: tulang panggul manusia;3D printer;human pelvic bone;solidworks
Issue Date: 12-Jul-2022
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;178130129
Abstract: Penelitian ini dilatar belakang karena pada masa sekarang ini penggunaan 3D printing dibidang medis bukan lagi satu hal yang sulit ditemukan. Hal ini sangat berpengaruh terhadap biaya pengeluaran dalam pembuatan produk yang berkualitas bagus. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi literatur, metode studi literature dipakai untuk mendapatkan data literature dan data penelitian sekunder. Data tinjauan literature yang bersifat fundamental seperti defenisi menurut para ahli, data engineering, ataupun jurnal yang berisi tentang penelitian sejenis dengan material berbeda dan dijadikan pedoman dan panduan dasar. Setelah mencari data dan menemukan hasil prototipe yang dibuat oleh penulis, penulis menyimpulkan bahwakonsep prototipe yang dibuat penulis belum sepenuhnya sempurna, model prototipe yang penulis buat juga belum sepenuh nya sempurna, karena jika mau hasil yang sempurna harus mengukur langsung ke bagian tulang panggul calon konsumen yang memerlukan konsep rancangan model tulang panggul ini, hasil prototipe yang telah dibuat penulis belum mirip dengan ukuran asli tulang panggul manusia The background of this research is because nowadays the use of 3D printing in the medical field is no longer something that is difficult to find. 3D printing is an evaluation of the development of printing technology, with the latest innovative breakthroughs in the world of technology according to the industrial era. In the 3D printing industry, prototyping that usually takes a long time can be made quickly with 3D printing. This is very influential on the cost of spending in the manufacture of good quality products. This study uses the literature study method, the literature study method is used to obtain literature data and secondary research data. Fundamental literature review data such as definitions according to experts, engineering data, or journals containing similar research with different materials and used as basic guidelines and guidelines. After searching for data and finding the results of the prototype made by the author, the author concludes that the concept of the prototype made by the author is not completely perfect, the prototype model that the author has made is also not completely perfect, because if you want perfect results you have to measure directly to the prospective customer's pelvis which requires a design concept for this pelvic bone model, the results of the
Description: 48 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Mechanical Engineering

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