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Title: Tanggung Jawab Keperdataan oleh Perusahaan terhadap Pencemaran dan Perusakan Lingkungan Hidup Akibat Eksploitasi Air (Studi PT. Sumber Sawit Jaya Lestari Tanjung Leidong)
Other Titles: Company Civil Responsibility Toward Environmental Pollution and Destruction Due to Water Exploitation (a Study at PT. Sumber Sawit Jaya Lestari Tanjung Leidong)
Authors: Naibaho, Josua Anggiat Parulian
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Siregar, Taufik
Ramadhan, Muhammad Citra
Keywords: tanggung jawab keperdataan;perusahaan;eksploitasi air;civil responsibility;companies;water exploitation
Issue Date: 10-Dec-2022
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;188400233
Abstract: Kegiatan manusia dalam sehari-hari sangatlah beragam, air merupakan salah satu kebutuhan pokok untuk melangsungkan berbagai kegiatan, sepertil keperluan rumahl tangga, keperluanl industri, keperluan perdagangan, keperluan pertanian danl peternakan, keperluan pelayaran dan lain sebagainya. Berkurangnya ketersediaan air dikarenakan banyaknya air yang diserap oleh tanaman kelapa sawit dapat dikatakan sebagai eksploitasi air yang dilakukan perusahaan kelapa sawit kepada masyarakat. Rumusanl masalah dalam penelitian ini, bagaimana pengaturan hukum terhadap eksploitasi air berdasarkan peraturan perundang- undanganl di Indonesia dan bagaimana tanggung jawab keperdataan akibat eksploitasi air oleh PT. Sumber Sawit Jaya Lestari Tanjung Leidong. Metode penelitianl menggunakan jenis penelitian yuridis normatif, sifat penelitian deskriptif, sumber data primer, sekunder dan tersier, teknik pengumpuln data penelitian kepustakaaml (Library Research) dan penelitianl lapangan (Field Research) denganl analisis kualitatif. Berdasarkanl hasil penelitian, bahwa pengaturanl hukum terhadap eksploitasi air harus mendapat izin penggunaanl sumber dayal air untukl kebutuhan usaha sebagaimana dimaksud pada pasal 8 ayat 4 dan pada pasal 46 sampai dengan pasal 47 Undang-Undang nomor I7 Tahunl 2019 tentang Sumber Daya Air serta pasall 34 ayat 1 UUPPLH. Tanggung jawab keperdataan akibat eksploitasi air oleh PT. Sumber Sawit Jaya Lestari (SSJL) Tanjung Leidong yang berdampak terhadap kesedian air masyarakat, bahwa pihak PT. Sumber Sawit Jaya Lestari Tanjung Leidong telah memfasilitasi masyarakat dengan membangun satu sumur Bor dan selalu siap membantu masyarkat sekitar untuk mendapatkan air bersih, maka hal tersebut sebagai pertanggung jawaban dengan pemulihan. Human activities in daily life are very diverse; water is one of the basic needs to carry out various activities, such as household, industrial, trade, agricultural and animal husbandry needs, shipping needs, and so on. Reduced water availability due to the large amount of water absorbed by oil palm plants can be categorized as water exploitation by oil palm companies for the community. The problems in this study were what legal regulation of water exploitation is based on legislation in Indonesia and what civil responsibilities due to water exploitation were by PT Sumber Sawit Jaya Lestari Tanjung Leidong. The research method used normative juridical research, descriptive research nature, primary, secondary, and tertiary data sources, and data collection techniques used Library Research and Field Research with qualitative analysis. Based on the results, legal arrangements for water exploitation had to obtain a permit to use water resources for business needs as referred to in article 8, paragraph 4, and in articles 46 to article 47 of Law number 17 of 2019 concerning Water Resources and article 34 paragraph 1 UUPPLH. Civil liability due to water exploitation by PT Sumber Sawit Jaya Lestari (SSJL) Tanjung Leidong had impacted on the community's water supply, that PT. Sumber Sawit Jaya Lestari Tanjung Leidong facilitated the community by building a drilled well and was always ready to help the local community get clean water. Then this was the accountability for recovery.
Description: 86 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Civil Law

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