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Title: Penerapan Hukum Pidana Terhadap Pungutan Liar Oleh Preman Di Jembatan Tuntungan Pancur Batu (Studi Di Polsek Pancur Batu)
Other Titles: Application of Criminal Law Against Illegal Fees by Thugs at Tuntungan Pancur Batu Bridge (Study at Pancur Batu Police)
Authors: Pandia, Imanuel Widantara
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Zulyadi, Rizkan
Trisna, Wessy
Keywords: Application of Criminal Law;Illegal levies;Thugs;Tuntungan Pancur Batu Bridge;Penerapan Hukum Pidana;Pungutan liar;Preman;Jembatan Tuntungan Pancur Batu
Issue Date: Mar-2023
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;188400133
Abstract: Aksi pungli yang diperankan oleh preman-preman sangat meresahkan warga masyarakat. Fenomena keberadaan premanisme sudah tidak asing lagi di Indonesia, terlebih lagi akhir-akhir ini media massa banyak memberitakan tentang kekerasan dan anarkisme yang dilakukan oleh preman. Aksi premanisme yang terjadi di jembatan Tuntungan yang menjadi penghubung wilayah Desa Durin Jangak, Kecamatan Pancur Batu, tindak pidana pungutan liar yang terjadi terhadap warga yang melintasi jembatan tersebut. Tindak pidana pungutan liar terhadap warga yang melintasi jembatan ini dilakukan oleh Ferdi Sembiring selaku warga sekitar jembatan, hal ini dimanfaatkan tersangka untuk mengambil keuntungan bagi dirinya sendiri. Akibatnya tindakan-tindakan seperti ini sering menimbulkan kericuhan dan kekerasan antara masyarakat dengan oknum tersebut. Rumusan penelitian ini adalah aturan hukum yang mengatur tentang pungutan liar yang dilakukan oleh preman di Pancur Batu dan bagaimana upaya kepolisian pancur batu dalam menangani kejahatan pungutan liar di jembatan Pancur Batu. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian normatif dimana penelitian yang dilakukan dengan cara menelusuri bahan hukum melalui studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penegakan pungutan liar terhadap pengendara di Desa Durin Jangak belum optimal karena kasus pungutan liar tidak diteruskan melalui sistem peradilan pidana ke tingkat deteksi dan penuntutan serta peninjauan kembali dimana pelakunya dipidana. Tidak dikenakan sanksi pidana. The extortion action played by thugs is very disturbing to the community. The phenomenon of the existence of thuggery is no stranger to Indonesia, especially recently the mass media have been reporting about violence and anarchism by thugs. The thuggery that occurred on the Tuntungan bridge, which is the link to the Durin Jangak Village area, Pancur Batu District, was a criminal act of illegal levies that occurred against residents who crossed the bridge. The crime of illegal levies against residents who crossed the bridge was carried out by Ferdi Sembiring as a resident around the bridge, this was used by the suspect to take advantage for himself. As a result, such actions often lead to chaos and violence between the community and these individuals. The formulation of this research is the rule of law that regulates illegal levies carried out by thugs in Pancur Batu and how the Pancur Batu police work in dealing with illegal levies on the Pancur Batu bridge. This research is a normative research where the research is conducted by tracing legal materials through literature study. The results showed that the law enforcement of illegal levies on motorists in Durin Jangak Village was not optimal because the cases of illegal levies were not forwarded to the level of investigation and prosecution and examination in court, through the criminal justice system, so that the perpetrators were not subject to criminal sanctions.
Description: 64 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Criminal Law

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