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dc.contributor.advisorMaizana, Dina-
dc.contributor.authorNasution, Muhammad Faisal-
dc.description68 Halamanen_US
dc.description.abstractSaat ini teknologi berkembang pesat di berbagai bidang keilmuan.Manusia terus berupaya mengembangkan dan meneliti teknologi – teknologi terbaru dalam rangka untuk mempermudah manusia itu sendiri. Salah satunya yaitu pada bidang teknologi mengenai IOT ( Internet Of Things ). Internet of things sudah banyak diterapkan di beberapa bidang keilmuan dan industri, seperti dalam bidang ilmu kesehatan, informatika, geografis dan dalam kehidupan sehari – sehari juga bisa di terapkan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi penelitian yang dimulai dari studi literatur dengan referensi yang telah adadan komponen-komponen yang dibutuhkan dalam pembuatan sistem monitoring daya listrik berbasis IoT. Untuk mikrokontroller yang digunakan ialah arduino IDE dengan software untuk pemrogrammannya dan wemos D1 mini sebagai modul yang menyambungkan ke internetSetelah melakukan metodologi penelitian maka didapatkan analisa sistem, analisa permasalahan serta analisa kebutuhan perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak untuk membangun sistem monitoring daya listrik rumah tinggal interface android. Tahap perancangan sistem yaitu merancang sistem yang akan digunakan pada mengukur arus, tegangan dan daya , menyiapkan perangkat seperti arduino uno, wemos d1 mini, sensor zmpt101b, pzem004t, relay, lcd, kabel listrik, kabel jumper, stop kontak, mini breadboard. Dari alat ini kita dapat mempermudah kita untuk mengetahui pemakian listrik yang ada dirumah kita dan kita dapat membatasi pemakaian daya maksimum dirumah kita misalnya kita membuat batas maksimum nya itu di 450amper maka secara otomatis peralatan listrik yang terhubung dengan sumber listrik akan langsung dimatikan melalui aplikasi yang sudah di program untuk memonitoring daya lisrik ini, dan juga dengan alat ini user juga dapat mengetahui berapa pemakian listrik nya yng bisa dilihat melalui aplikasi blynk. Nowadays technology is developing rapidly in various scientific fields. Humans are constantly trying to develop and research the latest technologies in order to make it easier for humans themselves. One of them is in the field of technology regarding IOT (Internet Of Things). The Internet of things has been widely applied in several scientific and industrial fields, such as in the fields of health sciences, informatics, geography and in everyday life can also be applied. This research uses a research methodology starting from a literature study with existing references and the components needed in making an IoT-based electrical power monitoring system. For the microcontroller used is arduino IDE with software for programming and wemos D1 mini as a module that connects to the internetAfter conducting a research methodology, a system analysis, problem analysis and analysis of hardware and software needs were obtained to build an electrical power monitoring system for the home interface android. The system design stage is to design a system that will be used to measure current, voltage and power, preparing devices such as Arduino Uno, Wemos d1 mini, zmpt101b sensor, pzem004t, relay, lcd, electrical cable, jumper cable, socket, mini breadboard. From this tool we can make it easier for us to find out the electricity generation in our home and we can limit the maximum power consumption in our homes, for example, we make the maximum limit at 450amper, then automatically theelectrical equipment connected to the power source will be directly turned off through an application that has been programmed to monitor this electrical power, and also with this tool the user can also find out how much electricity is can be seen through the blynk applicationen_US
dc.description.sponsorshipNowadays technology is developing rapidly in various scientific fields. Humans are constantly trying to develop and research the latest technologies in order to make it easier for humans themselves. One of them is in the field of technology regarding IOT (Internet Of Things). The Internet of things has been widely applied in several scientific and industrial fields, such as in the fields of health sciences, informatics, geography and in everyday life can also be applied. This research uses a research methodology starting from a literature study with existing references and the components needed in making an IoT-based electrical power monitoring system. For the microcontroller used is arduino IDE with software for programming and wemos D1 mini as a module that connects to the internetAfter conducting a research methodology, a system analysis, problem analysis and analysis of hardware and software needs were obtained to build an electrical power monitoring system for the home interface android. The system design stage is to design a system that will be used to measure current, voltage and power, preparing devices such as Arduino Uno, Wemos d1 mini, zmpt101b sensor, pzem004t, relay, lcd, electrical cable, jumper cable, socket, mini breadboard. From this tool we can make it easier for us to find out the electricity generation in our home and we can limit the maximum power consumption in our homes, for example, we make the maximum limit at 450amper, then automatically the electrical equipment connected to the power source will be directly turned off through an application that has been programmed to monitor this electrical power, and also with this tool the user can also find out how much electricity is can be seen through the blynk application.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjectarduino unoen_US
dc.subjectmonitoring daya listriken_US
dc.subjectsensor arusen_US
dc.subjectwemos d1 minien_US
dc.subjectelectrical power monitoringen_US
dc.subjectcurrent sensoren_US
dc.subjectPZEM 004Ten_US
dc.titleRancang Bangun Monitoring Daya Listrik Rumah Tinggal Interface Androiden_US
dc.title.alternativeDesign and Build of Monitoring the Electrical power of A Residential Android Interfaceen_US
Appears in Collections:SP - Electrical Engineering

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