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Title: Penerapan Restorative Justice Dalam Kasus Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas (Studi Putusan Nomor 7/Pid.Sus-Anak/2020/Pn Pnj)
Other Titles: Application of Restorative Justice in Traffic Accident Cases (Study of Decision Number 7/Pid.Sus-Anak/2020/Pn Pnj)
Authors: Isak, Jayenov
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Zulyadi, Rizkan
Ramadhan, M. Citra
Keywords: Accident;Traffic;Crime;Restorative justice;Kecelakaan;Lalu lintas;Tindak Pidana;Restorative justice
Issue Date: May-2023
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;211803015
Abstract: Tujuan penelitian yaitu Mengetahui konsep restorative justice dalam perspektif hukum pidana di Indonesia, pertimbangan hukum hakim dan penerapan restorative justice dalam kasus kecelakaan lalu lintas sebagaimana menurut (studi putusan nomor 7/Pid.Sus-Anak/2020/PN Pnj). Jenis penelitian yuridis empiris, teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu wawancara kepada kepolisian. metode analisis yaitu Yuridis Kualitatif. Hasil Penelitian yaitu Majelis hakim juga mengemukakan fakta-fakta hukum yang dirasa majelis hakim telah memenuhi karakteristik restorative justice, yaitu Kata-kata dan ucapan terdakwa yang mengatakan “bertanggung jawab”. Pertimbangan hukum hakim yaitu Anak yang berhadapan dengan hukum bukanlah sebagai miniatur orang dewasa, haruslah dipulihkan (to restore) menjadi anak bangsa yang memiliki masa depan sebagai harapan bangsa, Orangtua Anak telah menunjukkan bentuk pertanggungjawabannya atas kejadian yang dialami Anak berupa pemberian santunan, selain hal tersebut di atas, Anak beserta Orangtua Anak telah meminta maaf dengan tulus di persidangan dan Saksi Hasriadi beserta Saksi Harpiah juga telah memaafkan perbuatan Anak dengan ikhlas, berdasarkan tindakan tersebut hakim berpendapat bahwa restoratif yang dicita-citakan dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2012 tentang Sistem Peradilan Pidana Anak telah terlaksana. Kendala dalam penerapan Restorative Justice yaituFaktor hukumnya sendiri, Faktor penegak hukum, Faktor sarana prasarana., Faktor masyarakat dan Faktor budaya masyarakat The research objective is to know the concept of restorative justice in the perspective of criminal law in Indonesia, the legal considerations of judges and the application of restorative justice in traffic accident cases as according to (study of decision number 7/Pid.Sus-Anak/2020/PN Pnj). This type of empirical juridical research, the data collection technique used is interviews with the police. the analytical method is Juridical Qualitative. The results of the research are that the panel of judges also put forward legal facts that the panel of judges felt fulfilled the characteristics of restorative justice, namely the words and words of the defendant who said "responsible". The judge's legal considerations are that a child who is in conflict with the law is not a miniature adult, must be restored (to restore) to become a nation's child who has a future as the hope of the nation, the child's parents have shown their form of accountability for the incident experienced by the child in the form of providing compensation, in addition to this above, the Child and the Child's Parents have sincerely apologized in court and Witness Hasriadi and Witness Harpiah have also sincerely forgiven the Child's actions, based on this action the judge is of the opinion that the restorative ideal is envisioned in Law Number 11 of 2012 concerning the Justice System Child Crime has been carried out. Constraints in the implementation of Restorative Justice namely the legal factor itself, law enforcement factors, infrastructure factors, community factors and community cultural factors
Description: 86 Halaman
Appears in Collections:MT - Master of Law

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