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Title: Pelibatan Tentara Nasional Indonesia Dalam Mengatasi Tindak Pidana Yang Terjadi Di Papua Sebagai Gerakan Terorisme
Other Titles: The Involvement of the Indonesian National Armed Forces in Overcoming Criminal Acts Occurring in Papua as a Terrorist Movement
Authors: Wibowo, Dedek Efri
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Zulyadi, Rizkan
Ramadhan, M. Citra
Keywords: terrorism;role of the tni;Presidential Regulation on the Involvement of the TNI;kkb in papua;omsp;peran tni
Issue Date: 17-Apr-2023
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;201803024
Abstract: Kehadiran Kelompok Kriminal Bersenjata (KKB) di Papua berdampak pada kestabilan negara, menimbulkan kerugian yang besar bagi perkembangan negara. Pemerintah menetapkan KKB di papua menjadi teroris dan memberikan ruang untuk keterlibatan militer. Rumusan masalah dalamxpenelitian ini: x1) Bagaimana kebijakan pemerintah dalam menetapkan KKB di Papua menjadi terorisme berdasarkan Undang-Undang No 5 Tahun 2018. x2) Bagaimana implementasi peran TNIxdalam mengatasixtindak pidana terorismexberdasarkan Undang-UndangxNo 34 Tahun 2004 tentang TNI. 3) Bagaimana upaya mengatasi kendala pelibatanxTNI dalam mengatasi tindak pidana terorisme di masa yang akan datang (Ius Constituendum). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode yuridis normatif bersifatxdeskriptif, sedangkanxanalisis dataxsecara deskriptifxdan preskriptif Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian hukum normatif. xHasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyebutan KKB dixPapua sebagaixterorisxberdasarkan Undang-UndangxNo 5xTahun 2018x Peningkatanxstatus KKBxsebagaixorganisasi terorismexharus melalui sebuah Penetapan Pengadilan NegerixJakartaxPusat sebagaimana ProsedurxPencantuman Identitas Orang atau Korporasixdalam Daftar DTTOT yang diatur dalam Pasal 27 Undang-Undang No 9 Tahun 2013. BerdasarkanxPasal 7xUndang-Undang No 34 Tahun 2004 tentang TNI, TNI dalamxmenangani terorismexmelaksanakan tugasnyaxdilakukan melaluixOMSP. DalamxUndang-Undang no. x5 Tahunx2018 Pasalx43I, xTNI xlebih lanjutxdalam PerpresxRencana PerpresxTugas TNIxMengatasi AksixTerorismexmenjelaskan konsepxpenanganan terorisme oleh TNI yaitu limitatif” danx “kooperatif”. “Limitatif” yang mengisyaratkan bahwa tugas TNIxdalam mengatasixaksi terorismexterbatas dan istilah “koordinatif” xPelibatan TNIxdi masaxyangxakan datang (Ius Constituendum) dilakukan melalui; pertama merumuskan Kebijakan Reformulatif TNI adalah sebagai alatxpertahanan negara terhadap Undang-Undang Terorismexyang menegasakanxbagaimana sebenarnyaxperan TNIxketikaxterjadi tindakanxterorisme yang bersifat makarxatauxseparatism, kedua kebijakan operasixmiliter terhadapxKKB berbasisxhukum humaniterxinternasional, xketiga, optimalisasixPerpres Nox7xTahun 2021xtentang RANxPE 2020x-2024xdalam penanggulanganxkelompok terorisxpapua gunaxmewujudkan keutuhanxNKRIxdan keempatxdengan menerbitkan Perpres PelibatanxTNI dalam Pemberantasan Terorismex The presence of the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) in Papua has an impact on the stability of the country, causing great harm to the country's development. The government designated the KKB in Papua as terrorists and provided space for military involvement. The formulation of the problem in this research: 1) How is the government's policy in establishing KKB in Papua as terrorism based on Law No. 5 of 2018. 2) How is the implementation of the TNI's role in dealing with criminal acts of terrorism based on Law No. 34 of 2004 concerning the TNI . 3) What are the efforts to overcome obstacles involving the TNI in overcoming criminal acts of terrorism in the future (Ius Constituendum). This research uses descriptive normative juridical method, while data analysis is descriptive and prescriptive. This type of research is normative legal research. The results of the study show that the mention of KKB in Papua as terrorists is based on Law No. 5 of 2018. Increasing the status of KKB as a terrorist organization must go through a Central Jakarta District Court Decision as per the Procedure for Incorporating Individual or Corporate Identity in the DTTOT List regulated in Article 27, Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 9 of 2013. Based on Article 7 of Law No. 34 of 2004 concerning the TNI, the TNI in dealing with terrorism carries out its duties, carried out through OMSP. In Law of the Republic of Indonesia no. 5 of 2018 Article 43I, the involvement of the TNI is further regulated in a Presidential Decree. The Presidential Regulation Plan for the Task of the Indonesian Armed Forces to Overcome Terrorism Acts explains the concept of handling terrorism by the TNI, namely "limitative" and "cooperative". "Limitative" which implies that the task of the TNI in dealing with acts of terrorism is limited and the term "coordinative". The involvement of the TNI in the future (Ius Constituendum) will be carried out through; first, to formulate a Reformulative TNI Policy as a means of national defense against the Terrorism Law which emphasizes the real role of the TNI when acts of treason or separatism take place, secondly the policy of military operations against KKB based on international humanitarian law, thirdly, optimizing Presidential Decree No. 7 of 2021 concerning RAN PE for 2020-2024 in tackling Papuan terrorist groups in order to realize the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, and fourth by issuing a Presidential Decree on TNI Involvement in the Eradication of Terrorism.
Description: 119 Halaman
Appears in Collections:MT - Master of Law

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