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Title: Analisis Penyebab Kerusakan Struktur Pondasi Eksisting Serta Penanganannya pada Konstruksi Tower
Other Titles: Analysis of the Causes of Damage to Existing Foundation Structures and Their Handling in Tower Construction
Authors: Sianturi, Musa Sp
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Irwan
Keywords: konstruksi tower;pedestal pondasi;dinding penahan tanah;tower construction;pedestal foundation;retaining wall
Issue Date: 29-Dec-2022
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;188110113
Abstract: Keandalan suatu bangunan tower transmisi sangat dipengaruhi oleh tingkat mutu struktur yang digunakan pada struktur bangunan tower transmisi, salah satunya dari sisi pondasi dan lingkungan tempat konstruksi tower tersebut berdiri. Penurunan terhadap aspek mutu struktur pondasi dan aspek mutu tanah di lingkungan tempat struktur tower transmisi tersebut berada sangat memerlukan perbaikan mutu sesuai dengan kondisi penurunan mutu yang terjadi. Bentuk penurunan mutu pada T23 SUTT line New Pacitan – Ponorogo mengalami keropos yang terjadi pada pedestal pondasi dengan lingkungan berair. Kondisi lingkungan yang rentan akan longsoran disekitar tempat struktur tower transmisi tersebut berdiri merupakan salah satu faktor penyebab kerusakan pada struktur tower transmisi seperti kondisi pada T09 SUTT line Lamongan - Paciran. Dinding Penahan tanah adalah salah satu solusi yang dilakasanakan dalam mencegah terjadinya kerusakan kegagalan struktur transmisi tower transmisi pada T09. Kerusakan struktur pedestal pondasi tower transmisi pada tower T.23 menciptakan penanganan dengan melaksanakan grouting pondasi dengan mekanisme diagonal untuk mencegah kegagalan beban pada satu sisi tower sehingga tidak berakibat roboh pada tower transmisi tersebut. T.09 memiliki kondisi level kritis yang berbeda dengan T.23. Kondisi T.09 berada pada lingkungan lahan yang berpotensi longsor sehingga menciptakan penanganan dengan membuat Dinding Penahan Tanah. Setelah dilakukan penanganan pada T.23 diperoleh perubahan dan peningkatan mutu yaitu 438,30 kg/cm2 (leg A), 436,20 kg/cm2 (leg B), 376,70 kg/cm2 (leg C) dan 372,20 kg/cm2 (leg D) yang semuanya diatas mutu approval design yaitu 225 kg/cm2. Berbeda dengan T09 Lamongan – Paciran, berdasarkan kondisi eksisting maka dilaksanakan perbaikan dengan membuat cover dinding penahan tanah untuk melindungi keempat chimney tower untuk tidak digenangi oleh air, dengan hasil analisis dinding penahan tanah aman terhadap guling dan geser. The reliability of a tower transmission’s building is greatly influenced by the level of quality of the structure used in the structure of the tower, which is in terms of the foundation and the environment where the construction of tower stands. The decline in the quality aspects of the foundation structure and the quality aspects of the soil in the environment where the transmission’s tower structure is located really requires quality improvement in accordance with the conditions of quality decline that occur. The form of quality loss on the T23 SUTT line New Pacitan – Ponorogo experienced porousness that occurred on the foundation pedestal with a watery environment. Environmental conditions that are prone to avalanches around the place where the transmission tower structure stands are one of the factors causing damage to the transmission tower structure such as the conditions on the T09 SUTT line Lamongan - Paciran. The ground retaining wall is one of the solutions implemented in preventing damage to the transmission tower transmission structure failure on T09. Damage to the pedestal structure of the transmission tower foundation on tower T.23 creates handling by carrying out foundation grouting with a diagonal mechanism to prevent load failure on one side of the tower so that it does not result in collapse on the transmission tower. T.09 has a different critical level condition than T.23. The condition of T.09 is in a land environment that has the potential for landslides, creating a handling by creating a Soil Retaining Wall. After handling the T.23, changes and quality improvements were obtained, namely 438.30 kg / cm2 (leg A), 436.20 kg / cm2 (leg B), 376.70 kg / cm2 (leg C) and 372.20 kg / cm2 (leg D) which were all above the quality of approval design, namely 225 kg / cm2. Unlike T09 Lamongan – Paciran, based on existing conditions, improvements were carried out by making soil retaining wall covers to protect the four Pedestal towers from being inundated by water, with the results of the analysis of the soil retaining wall safe against rolling and sliding.
Description: 65 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Civil Engineering

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