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Title: Analisis Kinerja Jaringan Jalan Lingkar Kota Medan (Studi Kasus: Jl. Gagak Hitam)
Other Titles: Performance Analysis of Medan City Ring Road Network (Case Study: Jl. Gagak Hitam)
Authors: Rafiansyah, Mhd Ghaly
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Rangkuti, Nuril Mahda
Lubis, Marwan
Keywords: Ring Road;road segment performance;service level of signalized intersection;kinerja ruas jalan;tingkat pelayanan simpang bersinyal
Issue Date: Mar-2023
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;218110088
Abstract: Fungsi Ring Road yaitu agar kendaraan dapat mencapai bagian kota tertentu tanpa harus melalui pusat kota atau bagian kota lainnya untuk mempercepat perjalanan. Penelitian ini mengkaji kondisi lalu lintas secara keseluruhan pada jaringan jalan lingkar Gagak Hitam Kota Medan untuk mengetahui kinerja ruas jalan dan tingkat pelayanan simpang bersinya disepanjang jalan lingkar Gagak Hitam Kota Medan. Kinerja ruas jalan dinyatakan dengan derajat kejenuhan dan kinerja simpang dinyatakan dalam nilai tundaan rata-rata. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder hasil dari survey secara langsung dilokasi dan data primer. Jam puncak didapat pada weekday sore pukul 17.00-18.00 WIB. Analisis kinerja ruas jalan dan simpang menggunakan Metode PKJI2014 (Pedoman Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia). Berdasarkan hasil analisis nilai terbesar derajat kejenuhan (DS) pada ruas jalan lingkar Gagak Hitam Kota Medan yaitu 0,736, inimasih memenuhi syarat kelayakan sesuai standar yang ditetapkan dalam Pedoman Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia (PKJI) 2014 yaitu dibawah 0,75. Klasifikasi tingkat pelayanan ruas jalan C dimana ruas jalan dalam zona arus stabil dan pemilihan kecepatan pengemudi dibatasi.Nilai tundaan rata-rata simpang bersinyal yaitu sebesar 51,32-59,76.Berdasarkan PM 96 tahun 2015 nilai tundaan yang didapat termasuk kedalam kategori tingkat pelayanan simpang E dengan kondisi nilai tundaan diantara 40,1 sampai 60 smp/det dan kinerja simpang tergolong buruk. The function of Ring Road is so that vehicles can reach certain parts of the city without having to go through the city center or other parts of the city to speed up the journey. This study examines the overall traffic conditions on the Gagak Hitam ring road network in Medan City to determine the performance of the roads and the level of service at the intersections along the Gagak Hitam ring road, Medan City. The performance of the road segment is expressed by the degree of saturation and the performance of the intersection is expressed by the average delay value. This study uses secondary data from a survey directly on the site and primary data. Peak hours are obtained on weekday afternoons at 17.00-18.00 WIB. Analysis of the performance of roads and intersections using the 2014 PKJI Method (Indonesian Road Capacity Pedoman).Based on the results of the analysis, the largest value of the degree of saturation (DS) on the Gagak Hitam ring road in Medan City is 0.736, this still meets the eligibility requirements according to the standards set out in the 2014 Indonesian Road Capacity Pedoman (PKJI), which is below 0.75. Classification of the service level of the C road section where the road section is in a stable flow zone and the driver's speed selection is limited. The average delay value for signalized intersections is 51.32-59.76. Based on PM 96 of 2015 the delay value obtained is included in the category of service level of the E intersection with the condition of the delay value between 40.1 to 60 smp/sec and the performance of the intersection is bad classified.
Description: 158 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Civil Engineering

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