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dc.contributor.advisorSiregar, Nina Siti S.-
dc.contributor.advisorHartono, Budi-
dc.contributor.authorHarahap, Suaidi-
dc.description108 Halamanen_US
dc.description.abstractPenulisan ini berlatar belakang melihat bagaimana kinerja birokrasi yang ada pada BPKAD Provsu sesuai dengan Teori Pollit dan Bouckaert (2000) sebagai berikut: Relevancexyaitu mengukurxketerkaitan atauxrelevansi antaraxkebutuhan denganxtujuan yangxdirumuskanxEfisiensi, yaituxperbandingan antaraxinput denganoutputxEfektivitas yaituxtingkat kesesuaianxantara tujuanxdengan intermediatexoutcomes (results)dan finalxoutcomesx (impacts),Utilityxand sustainabilityxyaitu mengukurxkegunaanxdan keberlanjutanxantara kebutuhanxdengan finalxoutcomesx (impacts) xpada proses penghapusan barang inventaris lainnya pada PemerintahxProvinsi SumateraxUtara. Tujuanxpenelitian inixadalah untukxmengetahuixdan memahami bagaimana kinerja birokrasi penghapusan barang inventaris lainnya pada bidang aset BPKAD Provsu dan juga faktorxpendukung danxpenghambat dalamxkinerja birokrasi dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Prosedur yangxdigunakanxdalam pengumpulan dataxadalah observasixwawancara danxdokumentasi. Teknikxanalisis dataxyang akanxdigunakan padaxpenelitian inixadalah modelxanalisisxdataxMiles, Hubermanxdan Saldana. xHasil penelitianxmenunjukkan bahwaxkinerja birokrasixpelayanan administrasi pelimpahan porsi jemaah haji reguler dixBadan PengelolaanxKeuangan danxAset DaerahxProvinsi SumateraxUtara sudahxmemenuhi standar pelayanan yang sesuaixdengan teorixkinerja oleh Pollit & Bouckaert yangxdigunakan dalamxpenelitianxini. Untuk menyempurnakan dan meningkatkan kinerja birokrasi penghapusan barang inventaris maka perlu adanya inovasi dan SOP yang baru pada proses penghapusan barang yang tidak dapat ditemukan . The background of this writing is to see how the performance of the bureaucracy at BPKAD Provsu is in accordance with Pollit and Bouckaert's theory (2000) as follows: Relevance, namely measuring the linkage or relevance between needs and objectives formulated Efficiency, namely the comparison between input and output Effectiveness, namely the level of conformity between goals with intermediate outcomes (results) and final outcomes (impacts), Utility and sustainability, namely measuring the usefulness and sustainability of needs and final outcomes (impacts) in the process of eliminating other inventory items at the Provincial Government of North Sumatra. The purpose of this study was to find out and understand how the performance of the bureaucracy on the elimination of other inventory items in the BPKAD Provsu asset sector and also the supporting and inhibiting factors in bureaucratic performance using qualitative research methods. The procedure used in data collection is observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique that will be used in this study is the data analysis model of Miles, Huberman and Saldana. The results showed that the performance of the administrative service bureaucracy for the delegation of portions of regular pilgrims at the Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency of North Sumatra Province had met service standards in accordance with the performance theory by Pollit & Bouckaert used in this study. To perfect and improve the performance of the bureaucratic elimination of inventory items, it is necessary to have innovations and new SOPs for the process of writing off items that cannot be found.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Medan Areaen_US
dc.subjectkinerja birokrasien_US
dc.subjectfaktor pendukungen_US
dc.subjectbureaucratic performanceen_US
dc.subjectsupporting and inhibiting factorsen_US
dc.titleKinerja Birokrasi Penghapusan Barang Inventaris Lainnya pada Bidang Aset Badan Pengelolaan Keuangan dan Aset Daerah Provinsi Sumatera Utaraen_US
dc.title.alternativeBureaucratic Performance of Elimination of Other Inventory Goods in the Field of Financial Management Agency Assets and Regional Assets of North Sumatra Provinceen_US
dc.typeTesis Magisteren_US
Appears in Collections:MT - Master of Public Administration

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