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Title: Hubungan antara Iklim Organisasi dengan Prestasi Kerja pada Sales di PT. Capella Medan
Other Titles: The Relationship between Organizational Climate and Performance in Sales at PT. Capella Medan
Authors: Pardede, Toga 0
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Purba, Annawati Dewi
Siregar, Mulia
Keywords: iklim organisasi;prestasi kerja;organizational climate;work performance
Issue Date: 29-Apr-2013
Publisher: Universitas Medan Area
Series/Report no.: NPM;118600325
Abstract: Berdasarkan hasil-hasil yang telah diperoleh dalam penelitian ini, maka dapat disimpulkan hal-hal sebagai berikut: 1. Terdapat hubungan yang sangat signifikan positif antara iklim organ1sas1 dengan prestasi kerja sales, dimana rxy = 0,513 ; sig = 0,000, berarti < 0,010. Artinya semakin baik iklim organisasi, maka semakin tinggi prestsai kerja para sales, sebaliknya semakin buruk iklim organisasi, maka semakin rendah prestasi kerja para sales. Dari hasil penelitian ini, maka hipotesis yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini dinyatakan diterima. 2. Iklim organisasi memberikan kontribusi sebesar 26,3% terhadap prestasi kerja. Dari hasil ini maka dapat dinyatakan bahwa masih terdapat 73 ,7% pengaruh dari faktor lain tehadap tinggi rendahnya prestasi kerja para sales, dimana faktor-faktor lain tersebut dalam penelitian ini tidak dilihat, diantaranya adalah karakteristik kepribadian seperti: penarnpilan, pembawaan, kedewasaan, stabilitas emosi, sifat terhadap pekerjaan serta sifat-sifat khusus lainnya. Selain itu faktor karakteristik fisik seperti: minat, bakat, motivasi, keahlian atau kemampuan khusus yang dimiliki, inteligensi, inisiatif, umur, pendidikan dan latihan, pengalaman, jenis kelamin serta latar belakang budaya. Kemudian faktor situasi, yang meliputi kondisi fisik, pekerjaan dan lingkungan kerja . . Kebijak:sanaan perusahaan meliputi: sistem upah, mutu pengawasan, interaksi atasan bahawan, seluk beluk kerja meliputi; metode kerja, peraturan kerja, ruang lingkup kerja dan tingkat kesukaran kerja, jenis training yang diberikan. Lingkungan sosial antara lain kelompok kerja, status atau kedudukan pekerjaan dan penerimaan atasan terhadap peranan individu. 3. Diketahui bahwa ikJim organisasi yang ada di perusahaan ini, tergolong baik, sebab nilai rata-rata empirik yang diperoleh 273 ,216 lebih besar daripada nilai rata-rata empiriknya sebesar 220, dimana selisih kedua nilai rata-rata tersebut melebihi bilangan SD sebesar 32,896. Based on the results that have been obtained in this study, then it can be concluded the following things: 1. There is a very significant positive relationship between organizational climate1 with sales performance, where rxy = 0.513 ; sig = 0.000, means <0.010. This means that the better the organizational climate, the higher the work achievement the sales, conversely the worse the organizational climate, the lower sales performance. From the results of this study, the hypothesis that submitted in this study are declared accepted. 2. Organizational climate contributes 26.3% to work performance. From these results it can be stated that there is still 73.7% influence from other factors to the high and low work performance of the sales, where these other factors in this study were not seen, including: personality characteristics such as: appearance, demeanor, maturity, emotional stability, attitude towards work and other special characteristics. Besides that, physical characteristic factors such as: interest, talent, motivation, expertise or special abilities possessed, intelligence, initiative, age, education and training, experience, gender and cultural background. Then situational factors, which include physical conditions, work and work environment. . Company policies include: wage system, quality control, interaction superiors, the ins and outs of work include; work methods, work regulations, work scope and level of work difficulty, type of training provided. The social environment includes work groups, status or position work and superiors' acceptance of individual roles. 3. It is known that the organizational climate in this company is relatively good, because the empirical average value obtained is 273.216 greater than the value the empirical average is 220, which is the difference between the two average values exceeds the SD number of 32,896.
Description: 54 Halaman
Appears in Collections:SP - Psychology

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